Working with Units of Measure

Units of measure define the units used to measure a type of capacity in UIM. A unit of measure is a quantity or increment by which something is divided, counted, or described. For example, Kbps is a unit that measures a bit rate.

When working with units of measure, see the following topics:

Creating Units of Measure

You create units of measure to define the units used to measure capacity in UIM.

To create a unit of measure:

  1. From the Studio menu, select New, then select Inventory, then select Resources, then select Unit of Measure.

    The Model Entity Wizard appears. An icon for the specification type appears in the upper-right corner.

  2. In the Project field, select the name of the project to which the new unit of measure should be added.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the unit of measure.

    This is the name that will appear in UIM.

  4. (Optional) Select a location.

    By default, Design Studio saves the entity to your default workspace location. You can enter a folder name in the Folder field or select a location different from the system-provided default. To select a different location:

    1. Click the Folder field Browse button.

    2. Navigate to the directory in which to save the entity.

    3. Click OK.

  5. Click Finish.

    Design Studio creates the unit of measure and displays the information on the Properties tab.

Related Topics

Configuring Units of Measure

Unit of Measure Editor

Configuring Units of Measure

After you have created a unit of measure, you must configure its properties.

To configure unit of measure properties:

  1. Create a new unit of measure or navigate to the editor of an existing one.

    See "Creating Units of Measure" for more information.

    The Unit of Measure editor appears, displaying the Properties tab.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name that identifies the unit of measure.

  3. In the Display Unit Value field, enter the value that you want to be displayed in UIM menus and lists.

  4. In the Type of Measurement area, click Select and select a measurement type.

    The Selection Dialog dialog box appears. See "Creating Measurement Types" to create a new measurement type.

  5. Select a measurement type, then click OK.

    The measurement type that you selected is displayed in the Type of Measurement field. Click the Type of Measurement link to open the measurement type in the Measurement Type editor.

  6. In the Description field of the Conversion area, enter a description of the conversion required to convert this unit of measure to the base unit of measure.

  7. In the Conversion Factor field, enter the multiple used to convert this unit of measure to the base unit of measure.

  8. In the main Description field, enter a description of this unit of measure.

  9. From the File menu, select Save.

Related Topics

Creating Units of Measure

Unit of Measure Editor

Unit of Measure Editor

Use the Unit of Measure editor to model the units used to measure capacity in UIM.

Field Use
Name Enter the name of the unit.
Display Unit Value Enter the text to be displayed in menus and lists for this unit of measure. This is usually a shortened version of the name.
Type of Measurement Specify the measurement type to which this unit of measure belongs. You specify this property by selecting or creating a measurement type.
Conversion Description Enter a description of the conversion required to convert this unit of measure to the base unit of measure.
Conversion Factor A multiplier used to convert a unit of measure to another unit of measure. For example, for a Mbps unit of measure, you could enter 1000000 as the conversion factor to bps.

Note: Use a conversion factor that converts to the same base unit of measure for all units of measure for any given measurement type.

Description Enter a description of this unit of measure.

Related Topics

Creating Units of Measure

Configuring Units of Measure