Working with Logical Device Specifications

A logical device represents a functional view of a set of resources. The logical device itself is not physical, but it can be supported by one or more physical resources that support it and act together logically to perform one or more functions.

In the telecommunications industry, logical devices are often called network elements, but the terms are not interchangeable. In Unified Inventory Management (UIM), a logical device can also be a non-intelligent device that does not qualify as a network element. Logical devices that are network elements are addressable and manageable and can be managed through an element management system (EMS). See UIM Concepts for information on relating Logical Device specifications to Device Interface specifications.

Logical devices can be supported by one hardware item like a desktop router or by many pieces of hardware such as:

  • Central office switches

  • Digital cross-connect systems (DCS)

  • Digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAM)

  • Main distribution frames (MDF)

A logical device can support other logical devices to create a hierarchy. You create Logical Device specifications in the same manner as other types of specifications. See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

When working with Logical Device specifications, see "Logical Device Specification Editor" for reference information about the tabs you use to define a Logical Device specification.

Logical Device Specification Editor

Use the Logical Device Specification editor to model logical devices. When working with the Logical Device Specification editor, see the following topics:

Logical Device Specification Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to enter information about the logical device.

Field Use
Vendor Enter the vendor name of the logical device.
Model Number Enter the model number of the logical device.
Part Number Enter the part number of the logical device.

Related Topics

Logical Device Specification Editor

Logical Device Specification Editor Logical Device Configurations Tab

Use the Logical Device Configurations tab to enter information about the Logical Device Configuration specification.

Field Use
Logical Device Configuration Displays the name of the Logical Device Configuration specification.
Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge project into which the Logical Device Configuration specification is built.
Select Click to select an existing Logical Device Configuration specification.
Open Click to open the selected configuration in the Logical Device Configuration Specification editor.
Remove Click to remove the Logical Device Configuration specification.
Add Click to add a new Logical Device Configuration specification.

Related Topics

Logical Device Specification Editor

Logical Device Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab

Use the Related Specifications tab to define and review specification relationships. Only relationships with the entity types listed in this tab are meaningful by default in UIM. If you add specifications to the Others section, you must define custom rulesets that trigger actions or behavior based on those relationships.

Section Use
Inventory Groups Lists specifications of inventory groups to which logical devices based on this specification can belong.
Device Interfaces Lists specifications of device interfaces that can be provided by logical devices based on this specification.
Roles Lists roles to which logical devices based on this specification can be assigned.
Logical Device Accounts Lists specifications of logical device accounts that can be associated with logical devices based on this specification.
Network Nodes Lists specifications of network nodes that can represent logical devices based on this specification.
Logical Devices Lists specifications of logical devices that can be children of logical devices based on this specification.
Others Lists specifications of entities that have a customized relationship with entities based on this specification.

Related Topics

Defining Specification Relationships

Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab