Defining Lookup Behavior Properties

When editing order and task data in an editor, you can right-click data node behaviors and select Open Properties View to access the behavior properties.You use the Properties view tabs to model Lookup behaviors.


The level at which you create a behavior (at the data element level, task level, or order level) determines where you access and configure the behavior's properties. See "Creating New Behaviors" for more information.

To define Lookup behavior properties:

  1. From the Design perspective, right-click the behavior and select Open Properties View.

    The Behaviors Properties view is displayed.

  2. Click the Nodeset tab.

  3. In the XPath Expression field, enter the XPath expression that selects the set of data nodes that will comprise the lookup results.

  4. Click the Value/Name tab.

    A default column, called ValueColumn, is displayed in the Value Name table. The OSM server uses this value to populate the data node to which the Lookup behavior is attached.

  5. (Optional) Click Add.

    Design Studio creates an additional column in the drop down list. For example, you can add a second column to create a label for the data retrieved.

  6. Specify the value that OSM server should use for the corresponding data node.

    If you have multiple columns defined in the Value Name table, select the column whose value you want the OSM server to use for the data node, and click Set as Value.

    For example, if you have two columns, a code column and description column, you might elect to have the user make a selection based on the description field, but identify the code column as the value that the OSM server should use to update the task.

  7. In the Name field, enter a name for the selected column value.

  8. In the Node field, enter an XPath expression to define the relative path to the node in the nodeset.

    For example, if the nodeset contains 2 data nodes, you must identify which of the two data nodes the OSM server should retrieve for the select column.

  9. Click the Details tab.

    The Behaviors Properties view Details tab is displayed. The Name, Type, and Path field values are read-only, and cannot be modified on this tab. See "Defining Behavior Detail Properties" for more information about the options that you can define on this page.

  10. Click the Conditions tab.

    Use the Conditions tab to add conditional logic to the Lookup behavior. See "Defining Behavior Condition Properties" for more information about defining conditions for behaviors.

  11. Click the Notes.

    Use the Notes tab to describe the functionality or include internal documentation about the Lookup behavior.

Related Topics

Lookup Behavior Properties View Nodeset Tab

Lookup Behavior Properties View Value/Name Tab

About Lookup Behaviors

Working with Behaviors

Working with Behaviors

About Lookup Behaviors

Use the Lookup behavior to specify a set of dynamically generated field value choices to be included in a drop down list. The Lookup behavior can retrieve data of any type, and can obtain the data from the task view data or from an external system, (such as Objectel) using a Data Instance behavior. You can also define the behavior to display multiple columns to the end user.

You attach Lookup behaviors to simple type data nodes, and define the location of the data using an XPath expression. When the Lookup behavior retrieves the data, it expects a repeating XML data structure that it will use to build the list of options.

When configuring Lookup behavior properties, you define where the OSM server should obtain the information, how much information to present in the drop down list, the order in which the options should be presented to the user, and the value that the OSM server uses for the data node (for which the Lookup behavior is defined) when a user makes a selection. For example, consider that you want a Lookup behavior to retrieve a code and a description of mobile phone handset color options. You can create a Data Instance behavior to retrieve the available handset color options from inventory, and display those options to the user with a Lookup behavior:

Code Column Value Description Column Value
12HS00B Blue Handset
12HS00S Silver Handset
12HS00R Red Handset

You might elect to display only the description to the user (in a single column) but update the task data with the code value.


See OSM Concepts for more information about behavior default values, inheritance, and declarative syntax.

Related Topics

Lookup Behavior Properties View Nodeset Tab

Lookup Behavior Properties View Value/Name Tab

Defining Lookup Behavior Properties

Working with Behaviors

About Web Client Behavior Support

Lookup Behavior Properties View Nodeset Tab

Use the Properties view Nodeset tab to define the XPath expression that selects the set of nodes that comprise the lookup results. You can enter the expression or drag the desired nodes into the XPath Expression field.

Field Use
XPath Expression Enter an XPath expression.

You can select a data node from the Order Template tab (when working in the Order editor), or from the Task Data tab (when working in a Task editor) and drag the selected data node into the XPath Expression field to define the XPath expression. To drag a data node into the Properties view Nodeset tab, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the XPath Expressions field.

XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Related Topics

Defining Lookup Behavior Properties

Working with Behaviors

About Lookup Behaviors

Lookup Behavior Properties View Value/Name Tab

Use the Lookup Behavior Properties View Value/Name tab to specify the value that the OSM server should use for a data node, and to create multiple columns to display in the Web client.


You can convert a label to a value by selecting the Set as Value check box. When you do this, the previous value automatically becomes a label.
Field Use
Set as Value If you have multiple columns defined in the Value Name table, select the column whose value you want the OSM server to use for the data node, and click Set as Value.

For example, if you have two columns, a code column and description column, you might elect to have the user make a selection based on the description field, but identify the code column as the value that the OSM server should use to update the task.

Name Enter a name for the lookup value result.
Hidden Specify whether the column is displayed or not. By default, the column is displayed.
Position Define the column's position in the lookup result.
Sort Direction Specify how the column is sorted. Indicate either Ascending or Descending.
Sort Order Determine how the column is used to sort the lookup. For example, if this value is 1, it is the primary sort key.
Selection Severity Select the level of error checking to be used when entering data for the lookup.
Node (Mandatory) Enter an XPath expression to define the relative path to the node in the nodeset.
Language Select the display language.
Description Enter a brief description of the layout.

Related Topics

Defining Lookup Behavior Properties

Working with Behaviors

About Lookup Behaviors