Working with Existing OSM Models

If you have existing OSM models, you can import the model into Oracle Communications Design Studio as a single file or as multiple files. When importing models, Design Studio generates a cartridge project and maps all of the order's data into the equivalent Design Studio directory structure.

When working with existing OSM models, see the following topics:

About Importing Design Studio Cartridges

You can import into Design Studio existing OSM models. When importing OSM models, Design Studio generates a new cartridge project and maps the metadata for each order into an equivalent Design Studio directory structure.


Cartridge dependencies must exist in the workspace before importing a cartridge project. For example, when importing an OSM project that has a dependency on a Model project, you must import the Model project first to avoid problem markers during the project build. Also, when importing cartridges that have specific languages defined in the OSM model, you must add those languages to your language preferences. See "Defining Language Preferences" for more information.

Creating Design Studio Projects

When you import XML models into a workspace, Design Studio creates the following projects to contain the data:

  • A common data model project.

    The default name is OracleComms_OSM_CommonDataDictionary. This project contains the data schemas associated with the imported cartridges, as well as behaviors and data providers defined at the Data Dictionary level.

  • An OSM project for the cartridge.

    These projects contain orders, processes, tasks, order life cycle policies, custom automation plug-ins, and data providers.

For example, consider that you are importing an XML model that contains a cartridge called DSLService. Upon import, Design Studio creates the following projects:

  • A Data Dictionary project.

  • A cartridge project for DSLService.


Design Studio does not import entities that are defined in the import model but not associated with any orders. For example, if the import model contains a task that is not used in any processes or referenced by any of the orders, Design Studio will not import the task. Additionally, Design Studio does not import entities that are not supported (such as test categories or rules), even if they are associated with orders.

Design Studio logs all entities it does not import in the Import Summary report.

Importing Data Types

In Design Studio, you can define numeric data elements as type int, double, float, or decimal. OSM does not directly support these data types. When you deploy a cartridge containing these data types, OSM converts them to numeric. Conversely, when you import numeric types into Design Studio, they are converted to decimal.


Importing cartridges originally created in Design Studio, but exported from OSM using the XML Import/Export application is not supported.

Improving Design Studio Performance

To improve Design Studio performance during import and during modeling, you can separate large cartridges into multiple projects that exist in different workspaces. During the first import, you create the common Data Dictionary that all of the smaller projects will reference and select a subset of orders to add to the first project. Create a new workspace for subsequent imports and continue to add subsets of orders. When you are finished, Design Studio will include multiple projects in multiple workspaces, each sharing the same Data Dictionary, each with different subsets of orders from the original cartridge. For example, you might include all VoIP orders in a single workspace, all Internet orders in another, and so forth.

About Importing Cartridges Created in OSM Administrator

Design Studio replaces much of the functionality previously included in the old OSM Administrator application. OSM administrator functionality, for example managing workgroups, schedules, and calendars, is provided in the Administration area of the OSM Order Management Web Client.

The following table describes how entities defined in the Administrator and imported into Design Studio are mapped into the Design Studio environment:

Entity Considerations
Cartridge Name and Version At import, Design Studio preserves the namespace and version, using namespace as the project name, and version as the version number of the cartridge.

You cannot import into Design Studio a cartridge with a name identical to an existing Design Studio cartridge (even if it is a different version), per workspace.

Data Dictionary and Master Order Template Design Studio does not require that you build a master order template or explicitly model order data. As you model task data, the system automatically builds the order template.

Design Studio maps all data elements to a Data Dictionary that you specify in the Import wizard, and maps order template elements to the Order editor Order Template tab.

Order Source Design Studio imports the order source. It is visible in the Order editor Details tab.
Workgroups Design Studio maps workgroups to roles. Permissions are visible in the Role editor and also in the Order editor and Task editor Permissions tabs.
Tasks Manual and automated tasks appear as separate task entities in the project directory.

If you are importing a cartridge that contains a task used by multiple order types and sources (using different views in OSM Administrator), Design Studio creates duplicate tasks, one for each order, and renames each task with the original task name concatenated with the order type and source. Design Studio updates all references to the task. If the task name is referenced in an automation map, Design Studio creates duplicate entries.

Views In Design Studio, views are not independent entities, but are implicit in the configuration of data nodes in tasks and order templates. Upon import, the data associated with an order or task appear in the Order and Task editors, respectively.
Processes If you associated a process with multiple order type and sources using rules, Design Studio duplicates the process for each associated order type and source. On import, the type/source-to-process mappings are replaced by an equivalent top-level process and subprocess.

If you are importing a cartridge that contains a process used by multiple order types and sources (using different views in OSM Administrator), Design Studio creates duplicate processes, one for each order, and renames each process with the original process name concatenated with the order type and source. Design Studio updates all references to the process, including any references in the automation map.

Rules, event delays, timer delays, subprocesses, and process exceptions appear in the Process editor, not as separate entities.

Behaviors Upon import, Design Studio saves behaviors to the following editors:
  • Behaviors defined at the task level appear in the Behaviors tab of the Task editor.

  • Behaviors defined at the order level appear in the Behaviors tab of the Order editor.

  • Behaviors defined at the data element level appear in the Data Dictionary's OSM tab for the element definition.

Rules In Design Studio, rules are defined within a specific order. Upon import, Design Studio determines which rules are used by an order and adds those rules to the Order editor Rules tab.

If you are importing text-based rules (SQL rules), Design Studio imports the text-based rules as separate text files, using name_of_the_rule.sql as the rule name. Design Studio saves the rule to the resources folder and displays the rule with the other rules in the Order editor Rules tab. To modify text-based rules, click the name of the file to access the rule in a SQL editor.

Rule expressions defined with order type and source operands are not supported in Design Studio. On import, these operands are mapped to an expression with the same data element on each side. If the order-based operand matches the imported order, the generated expression evaluates to true. For example:

/VPN_Name = /VPN_Name

Otherwise, it evaluates to false:

/VPN_Name_Count ! /VPN_Name_Count

Notifications Design Studio imports polled-type notifications as jeopardy notifications, and all others as event notifications.

Design Studio does not support or import system notifications (notifications that are not associated with any order, task or activity) or mixed transition notification types (for example, notifications are both transitional and polled).

Data Providers Design Studio imports inline, external, and XQuery instances that are defined as part of an Information rule as a Data Provider entity type. In Design Studio, you can use a Data Instance behavior in conjunction with a Data Provider to retrieve information from an external system.
Process Exceptions Design Studio maps process exceptions to the Process editor under the following conditions:
  • A restriction defined in the OSM Administrator must be valid in the imported order, and the type and source of the imported order must match the restriction; otherwise, it will not be imported.

  • The process exception status used in the OSM Administrator must be available in the Design Studio process.

  • Activities defined for the process exception must be available in the Design Studio process.

Automation Maps Design Studio generates automation maps automatically, based on the configurations of automated tasks. If you are importing a cartridge with custom automation plug-ins, you can specify which automation maps to include from within the Import wizard.
Responsibility and Category Design Studio does not support or import Responsibility and Category entities created in the OSM Administrator.
Entity Names If Design Studio detects entity name conflicts, it automatically renames the entity. Review the Import Summary report to acquire a list of all entity name changes made during import. You may be required to edit references to the affected entity names in Java code or XSLT files.


Cartridges created in the OSM Administrator are not necessarily valid upon import to Design Studio. Design Studio performs logical validations to ensure that errors are detected before deploying a cartridge to an OSM run-time environment. For example, if you import a cartridge that contains a rule to check values of a specific data node, Design Studio ensures that the data node exists in the corresponding order data. You must resolve all cartridge errors before deploying to a run-time environment.

Related Topics

Working with Existing OSM Models

About Importing Design Studio Cartridges

Working with OSM Cartridge Projects

About Import Summary Reports

When you import an existing project into Design Studio, the system generates a summary report that describes the errors generated and the actions Design Studio took to resolve the error. Design Studio creates an importReport directory in the project. Then, Design Studio uses the name of the cartridge to generate a default file name for the Import Summary report and saves the report to the importReport directory.

The Import Summary report lists the entities in the model that were not imported, (such as entities that are not associated with orders) and entities that are not supported in Design Studio (for example, test category or rule entities, even if they are associated with orders).

Also, if you import a model that includes a task that is used in multiple orders, Design Studio renames the task and notes in the Import Summary report the original name; the new name; and the associated order type, source, and view name.


The Import Summary report lists all entity name changes made during import. You may be required to edit references to the affected entity names in Java code or XSLT files.

Related Topics

Working with Existing OSM Models

About Importing Design Studio Cartridges

Working with OSM Cartridge Projects

Importing Existing OSM Models

You can import a single order type into a cartridge project, or multiple order types into a cartridge project. After importing multiple order types into a cartridge project, you can deploy all or a specified number of the order types to an OSM run-time environment within the context of a single project.


Cartridge dependencies must exist in the workspace before importing a cartridge project. For example, when importing an OSM project that has a dependency on a Data Dictionary project, you must import the Data Dictionary project first to avoid problem markers during the project build.

For example, if you have defined a project with metadata to support the DSL services Add, Delete, and Modify for orders that come from two different sources (Siebel and Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management, for example), you can deploy the entire configuration to a run-time environment with a single deployment.

To import an OSM model into Design Studio:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Right-click in the Solution view or Studio Projects view and select Import Order and Service Management Model.

    The Import Order and Service Management wizard is displayed.

  3. Click Browse.

    An import dialog box opens.

  4. Select the file to import.

  5. Click OK.

    Design Studio returns you to the Import Order and Service Management dialog box.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the cartridge to import from the Source Cartridge list.

    If multiple cartridges exist in the XML model, you must select which cartridge to import.

  8. In the Target Name field, edit the default project name.

    The project name must be unique among project entity types. Two projects cannot share the same name, even if they are different versions.

  9. In the Target Data Dictionary field, select the dictionary to which the data elements will be added.

    You can add the new data elements to a Data Dictionary that is common to all cartridges, or to a data dictionary defined for a specific cartridge. To create a new dictionary, enter the name of a new data dictionary in the Target Data Dictionary.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Select the orders to import.

    Select orders in the Available column and use the arrow buttons to move them to the Selected column.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Add one or multiple automation maps to the cartridge.

    Click Add to navigate to and select one or multiple automation maps. Click Remove to delete an automation map from the table.

    When you configure automation plug-ins in Design Studio, the system automatically generates an automation map. However, if you are importing cartridges that contain custom automation plug-ins, you can include in the import the automation maps that define the configuration for the custom plug-ins. For each plug-in, the automation map defines whether the plug-in is associated with a task, notification, or data change event, the class name of the plug-in, and whether the plug-in receives information from OSM or from an external system.

    Design Studio imports external receivers as a list of XML files into the customAutomation folder, each containing one external receiver XML fragment.

    See "Working with Automation Plug-Ins" for more information.

  14. Click Finish.

    Design Studio imports the cartridge and adds the new project to the Studio Projects view.


If Design Studio detects entity name conflicts on import, it automatically renames the entity in the imported cartridge. The Import Summary report lists all entity name changes made during import. You may be required to edit references to the affected entity names in Java code or XSLT files. See "About Import Summary Reports" for more information.

Related Topics

About Importing Design Studio Cartridges

About Importing Cartridges Created in OSM Administrator

Creating New Cartridge Projects

Order and Service Management Project Editor