Using Masks

You use masks in Design Studio to restrict Task Web client user input for a field to a specific format. When using masks, refer to the following topics:

About Masks

Masks enable you to restrict Task Web client user input for a field to a specific format. Using the Data Dictionary editor OSM tab, you can specify the strings of characters used to define the format of the data in the field and use a mandatory mask character to create a field where a user must enter information in the appropriate format to complete the task. See the "Data Schema Editor OSM Tab" for more information.

Use the following mask characters for text fields:

Mask Character Description
# Mandatory digit
9 Optional digit
A Mandatory alphanumeric
a Optional alphanumeric
? Mandatory alpha
z Optional alpha

Mask characters serve as placeholders in Task Web client fields. All non-mask characters appear in text type fields; you cannot edit them. For example, if you enter TEXT in the OSM Element Mask field, it appears in the Task Web client field as TEXT. To use mask characters as literals, you must enter "\" in front of the character.

Use the following mask characters for numeric fields:

Mask Character Description
9 Optional digit
0 Use to the right of the decimal. Displays 0 if no value is entered.
. Decimal placeholder
, Numeric placeholder


You must include at least one numeric mask character for the field to be valid. You cannot use quotation marks (" ") for numeric masks.

The following table illustrates how numeric mask characters defined in the Data Schema editor would affect data entered into the Task Web client:

Mask Defined in Data Dictionary Entered into the Web Client Displayed in Web Client
9,999 1234 1,234
99.99 34.12345 34.12
99.00 12 12.00
99.00 34.1256 34.13

Related Topics

Defining Masks for Task Web Client Fields

Data Schema Editor

Defining Masks for Task Web Client Fields

Use masks in Design Studio to restrict Task Web client user input for a field to a specific format.

To define a mask for a Task Web client field:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Click the Data Element tab.

  3. Select the data schema entity that contains the field for which you want to define the mask.

    The entity opens in the Data Schema editor.

  4. In the Dictionary area, select the data node for which you want to define the mask.

  5. Click the Data Schema editor OSM tab.

    See "Data Schema Editor OSM Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab.

  6. In the OSM Element Mask field, specify the string of characters used to define the format of the data in the Task Web client field.

    Use a mandatory mask character to create a field where a user must enter information in the appropriate format to complete the task. See "About Masks" for more information.For elements that inherit data from a base type, this field is read-only. See "Leveraging Existing Data Information" for more information.

  7. Click Save.

Related Topics

Data Schema Editor

Modeling Data