Designing Process Sequence and Flow

When you create a process, you can use the Process editor to describe the sequence in which tasks should complete and the manner in which the process flows from one task to the next. You create the structure of the process by manually dragging tasks into place, or by using the Process editor layout tools. To describe the link between tasks, you use the elements from the Process editor Flows and Exception Path drawers. Flows describe how tasks are completed and determine the order of tasks in the process.

To sequence tasks:

  1. Drag the tasks and activities into the desired order.

    When multiple tasks are active, you can move them simultaneously. To make multiple tasks active, drag a selection rectangle around the tasks that you want to move, then move the group of task into the new position.

  2. (Optional) Click the Layout All Nodes icon, located in the Process editor toolbar.

    Alternately, you can right-click in the Process editor to access Layout All Nodes from the context menu. The Layout All Nodes feature automatically arranges the process nodes in a standard flow chart format.

  3. (Optional) Select multiple tasks in the Process editor and click the Layout Selected Nodes icon, located in the Process editor toolbar.

    Alternately, you can right-click in the Process editor to access Layout Selected Nodes from the context menu. The Layout Selected Nodes feature automatically arranges only a selected section of the process.

  4. Click Save.

To link tasks:

  1. In the Process editor palette Flows drawer, click a flow activity.

  2. In the Process editor, click the Start node and then click the first task to link the two objects together.

  3. From the palette, use the actions in the Flow and Exception Paths drawers to link all of the tasks.

    Click the Toggle Sticky Tool Mode button to repeatedly link tasks in the Process editor.

  4. Right-click a flow and select Status.

    Select the task exit status for the flow. The available options include the statuses you previously defined for the task in the Task editor States/Statuses tab.

  5. (Optional) Click the Layout All Nodes button in the Process editor toolbar.

    The Layout All Nodes feature automatically displays the process flow in an organized and neat arrangement.

    To arrange only a section of the process, use a drag selection to activate multiple tasks and click the Layout Selected Nodes button in the Process editor toolbar.

  6. Click Save.

Related Topics

Working with Process Editor Menu Controls

Designing Exception Paths

Working with Processes

Working with Tasks

Process Editor Flow Properties General Tab

Use the Process editor Flow Properties view General tab to define attributes for process flows.

Field Use
Condition This property applies only to transitions that are part of a workstream process. You can apply rules to the transition that must evaluate to True for the transition to occur. Select the Condition row to access all rules defined in the order.

Note: Selecting a condition in a transition not part of a workstream process will produce a build warning.

Note: If all of a task's transitions include conditional rules that evaluate to false during run-time, the OSM server considers the task to be the terminal task, as there are no additional valid transitions to consider.

Mandatory Check Select True to ensure that the system verifies that mandatory fields are present when a task completes.
Reporting Status Enter the reporting status that you want to display in the Task Web client. This status is tracked in the client's History. The Reporting Status Value field is an open text field. In the Value field enter a status name to indicate how the transition should be reported.
Status Select the task exit status that represents this flow. The available options include the statuses you previously defined for the task in the Task editor States/Statuses tab.

Related Topics

Working with Processes

Modifying Process Editor Start Properties

Process Editor Flow Properties Events Tab

Use the Properties Events Details tab create event notifications for a single task transition in a specific process that only triggers if a specific rule evaluates to true. When defining event notifications for task transitions in the Process editor Properties Events tab, you can name the task and transitional events, specify the rule that triggers the event, set the priority level, enable or disable the event, specify whether to send the notification by email, and create automation plug-ins to perform the work of the notification. See "Properties Events Detail Tab" for more information about the fields on the Events Detail tab. See "Creating Task Status-Based Event Notifications" for information about creating event notifications at the Process editor level.

Related Topics

Working with Event Notifications

Configuring Automation Plug-In Properties