This screen shot shows the Containers page in EM Express. This page is available only in CDBs. It is not available in non-CDBs.

The top section of the page includes the Change Resource Plan and Configure Oracle-Managed Files buttons. To the far right is the Page Refreshed field, which shows when the page was last refreshed.

The Status section at the top left includes information about PDBs and about Resource Limits. The PDBs subsection includes the Total Number of PDBs field, which shows the total number of PDBs in the CDB, and the Using Oracle-Managed Files field, which shows whether the CDB is using Oracle-Managed Files. The Resource Limits subsection includes the Active Resource Plan field and the Default PDB Directive data. The Active Resource Plan field shows the name of the active resource plan (if there is one). If the CDB has an active resource plan, the Default PDB Directive data includes the default Shares value, CPU Utilization Limit (%) value, and Parallel Server Limit (%) value, if the CDB has an active resource plan.

To the right of the Status section is the Active Sessions section. This section provides graphical data about the containers in the CDB. The red line on the chart shows the number of CPU cores.

The bottom section of the page is the Containers section. This section is a table that shows the PDBs that are contained in the CDB. The columns in the table are Container Name, Open Mode, Open Time, Restricted, Size, Violations, CPU Resource Limits, and Running Sessions. Just above the table is the Actions menu, and the Create, Clone, Plug, and Unplug buttons. To the far right is a text box that enables you to enter the name of a particular PDB that you want to search for.