This image is a screenshot of the Initialization Parameters page. There are two tabs: "Current" and "SPFile". The Current subpage is displayed by default.

At the top of the Current subpage, is the descriptive text "The parameter values listed here are currently used by the running instance(s)." Beneath this text, going from left to right, are a View menu, a Set button, and a Help button. To the right of these are the Modified and Basic check boxes and the Name text field that enable you to search for initialization parameters and reduce the number of parameters shown in the table below. In the screenshot, the Name text field is empty, and neither the Modified or Basic option is enabled.

Below the check box is a table of initialization parameters. The table columns shown in this screenshot are: Name, Value, Comment, Modified, Dynamic, Session, Basic, Type, Category, and Description. The Value field is an enterable text field for some rows and read-only text for other rows.

End of description.