Changes in This Release for Oracle Database Workspace Manager Developer's Guide

This preface contains:

Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1)

The following are changes in Oracle Database Workspace Manager Developer's Guide for Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1).

Changes for Release

Workspace Manager includes these changes for Oracle Database Release

WM_ADMIN System Privilege

The new WM_ADMIN system privilege provides the user with all Workspace Manager-related privileges with the grant option. For more information about the WM_ADMIN privilege, see Section 1.4, "Privilege Management with Workspace Manager".


The GRANTPRIV_WORKSPACE and GRANTPRIV_ANY_WORKSPACE privileges are added. For more information, see Section 1.4, "Privilege Management with Workspace Manager".

'D' Locking Mode

D (disregard all locks) is added as a lockmode option for the SetWorkspaceLockModeON procedure.For information, see the lockmode parameter description and the Usage Notes in the SetWorkspaceLockModeON reference section.


The ISIMPLICIT column is added to the DBA_WORKSPACE_SESSIONS Workspace Manager static data dictionary view.

New Features and Other Changes for Release 12.1

The following and new and changed in Release 12.1:

New DBMS_WM Subprograms

The following are new DBMS_WM subprograms. They are documented in Chapter 4.:

Changes to Existing DBMS_WM Subprograms

Changes to existing DBMS_WM subprograms include the following:

DDL Enhancements

You can now do the following within a DDL session:

  • Add and remove supplemental logging on a version-enabled table

  • Rename a column of a version-enabled table

  • Modify the compression options on a version-enabled table

These capabilities are included in Section 1.8, "DDL Operations Related to Version-Enabled Tables".

Workspace Manager Static Data Dictionary Views

The following are new Workspace Manager static data dictionary views and changes to existing views. The views are documented in Chapter 5.

  • The following views are new: ALL_WM_POLICIES and USER_WM_POLICIES.

  • ALL_VERSION_HVIEW has an additional column: WORKSPACE_ID.

  • In the xxx_HIST Views, the WM_CREATETIME and WM_RETIRETIME columns are included only if the hist parameter was set to VIEW_W_OVERWRITE or VIEW_WO_OVERWRITE in the call to the EnableVersioning procedure.

    In a related change, the EnableVersioning procedure now creates a _HIST view in all cases, whereas before it created the view only if the hist parameter value was not NONE.

  • In many views, most columns that had the type VARCVHAR2(30) have been changed to VARCHAR2(128), and some other changes to column sizes have been made. These changes are to accommodate Workspace Manager internal operations; and unless otherwise indicated, they do not reflect any change in user requirements or options.

  • In some views, columns that had the type DATE have been changed to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

WM_PERIOD Type Change

The following has been added to the definition of the WM_PERIOD data type:

MAP member function wm_period_map return varchar2)

The WM_PERIOD data type is described in Section 3.2.

Privilege-Related Changes

When executing a DBMS_WM procedure from another procedure, the privilege checks now take into account whether the procedure has definer's rights or the rights of the database user whose privileges are currently active.

When an ALL_xxx or USER_xxx view is queried from a procedure, the results returned are based on whether the procedure has definer's rights or the rights of the database user whose privileges are currently active.