The screenshot shows the Average Response Time chart. The Average Response Time chart graphs the length of the response in seconds over Time. The chart legend indicates that seven performance classes are being monitored: Default_pc, sales_pc, erp_pc, hr_pc, salescart_pc, shipping_pc, and etl_pc. Each performance class is represented in the chart by a different colored line.

For the Average Response Time chart, the Default_pc performance class has the most varied line, with values ranging from 0.02 to 0.18. The lines for the other performance classes do not vary as much. The lines for salescart_pc and sales_pc show an average response time of approximately 0.185 seconds and .165 seconds respectively. The lines for hr_pc, erp_pc, and shipping_pc show an average response time of approximately 0.025 seconds. The line for etl_pc shows an average response time of approximately 0.018 seconds.

End of description.