The screenshot shows the Performance Overview Chart and the Recommendations sections of the QoS Dashboard. The Performance Overview chart shows the performance graphs for the salescart_pc, erp_pc, sales_pc, shipping_pc, etl_pc, hr_pc, and Default_pc Performance Classes. The salescart_pc and sales_pc Performance Classes are currently not meeting their performance goals. The rank of Performance Classes, in order from Highest to Lowest is: sales_cart, erp_pc, sales_pc, hr_pc, and Default_pc. The salescart_pc Performance Class has an asterisk preceding its name and a recommendation appears in the Recommendation section for this Performance Class.

The Recommendations section contains the following information:

Recommendations (less than a minute ago)

Quality of Service Management periodically provides recommendations to help a Performance Class meet its Performance Objective.

Performance Class to help: salescart_pc (approximately 4 minutes ago)

Resource Type to help: online:qos3.cpu (approximately 4 minutes ago)

Recommended Action: Demote sales_pc from Consumer Group 2 to Consumer Group 3.

This information is followed by two buttons. The buttons are Recommendation Details on the left and Implement on the right.

End of description.