The illustration shows two server pools, Main and Power.

In the Main server pool, there are 4 servers, and each server has 8 CPUs and two instances running on the server. The first server runs the HR1 and Sales1 instances. HR1 uses 2 CPUs, Sales1 uses 4 CPUs. The second server runs the HR2 and Sales2 instances. Again, HR1 uses 2 CPUs and Sales1 uses 4 CPUs. The third server in the Main server pool runs the Inv and Sales3 instances. Inv uses 2 CPUs and Sales3 uses 4 CPUs. The fourth server runs the AR1 and Sales4 instances. AR1 uses 2 CPUs and Sales4 uses 4 CPUs. Each server in the Main server pool has two CPUs that are not associated with a databse instance.

In the Power server pool, the first server has 16 CPUs and runs three instances. The instances are Sales5, with 8 CPUs, CRM1 with 6 CPUs, and AR2 with 2 CPUs. The second server in the Power server pool also has 16 CPUs and runs two instances, Sales6 and CRM2. The Sales6 instance is allotted 8 CPUs and the CRM2 instance is allotted 6 CPUs. The remaining two CPUs on this server are not associated with a database instance.

End of description.