The screenshot shows the Create Policy Set: General page of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Across the top of the screenshot is a illustration of the wizard progression, depicted as six points on a line. The points are General (marked), Performance Classes, Classifier Ordering, Performance Policies, Set Policy, and Review. Below this progression line on the right-hand side of the screen is a Cancel button, followed by the text Step 1 of 6, and followed by a Next button.

Under the page title is the descriptive text "This wizard create the Policy Set that configures the system structure, performance classes and policies for QoS management."

Under the descriptive text is the Server Pool Directive section. The descriptive text for this section states "Server Pool Directives are availability parameters for cluster administration to keep the hosted workloads (performance classes) highly available." This text is followed by an information icon (an 'i' character inside a text balloon). After the descriptive text is a table of the server pool directives. The table has nine columns and three rows. The columns are, from left to right, Details, Server Pool, Services, Violation(s), Server Pool Size:Min, Server Pool Size:Max, Server Pool Size:Current, Importance, and Manage. The rows, listed in order from top to bottom, contain the following values, listed in the same order as the column headings:

Below the table is the following text: "TIP -1 for Max indicates whole cluster". At the bottom of the screenshot, on the right-hand side, is a Cancel button, followed by the text Step 1 of 6, and followed by a Next button.

End of description.