This image shows an overview of a Database Logging Recovery Appliance installation. At the center is a single rack labeled Recovery Appliance. At the left, one above the other, are 6 hosts, all labeled "Protected Database." The top three each look like a tower workstation with attached storage. The bottom three are racks. All have arrows pointing to the central DBLRA rack, and the arrows have the label "Backups and Redo." At the upper right is a desktop workstation labeled Enterprise Manager. It is connected to the central Database Backup Logging Recovery Appliance rack by an unlabeled two-way arrow. At the right center is an image of a tape library, and an arrow going from the central Database Backup Logging Recovery Appliance rack to the tape library is labeled "Tape Backup." At the bottom right is a double rack labeled Remote Recovery Appliance. An arrow going from the central Database Backup Logging Recovery Appliance rack to the remote Database Backup Logging Recovery Appliance rack is labeled "Replicated Backups."