B Managing Oracle Multimedia Installations

This appendix describes the management of Oracle Multimedia.

This appendix includes these sections:


See the Oracle Multimedia README.txt file located in
/ord/im/admin for the latest information.

B.1 Oracle Multimedia Installed Users and Privileges

The Oracle Multimedia installation procedure performs these functions:

  • Creates the database users shown in Table B-1 with the privileges required by Oracle Multimedia.

    Table B-1 Installed Database Users

    Name of User Type of User


    Oracle Multimedia


    Oracle Multimedia


    Oracle Multimedia


    Oracle Multimedia


    Oracle Spatial and Graph/Oracle Multimedia Location Services

  • Creates the default passwords shown in Table B-2 for the Oracle Multimedia and MDSYS user accounts, and then locks the accounts and marks their default passwords as expired.

    Table B-2 User Accounts and Default Passwords

    User Account Installation Password












    Oracle does not recommend logging in directly to the user accounts shown in Table B-2.
  • Grants the EXECUTE privilege to the user group PUBLIC for the Oracle Multimedia packages and objects installed in these schemas:

    • ORDSYS



    • MDSYS

B.2 Installing and Configuring Oracle Multimedia

Oracle Multimedia is automatically installed and configured with Oracle Database.

The following subsections describe the steps to perform before manual installation and configuration of Oracle Multimedia, and the steps for manually installing and configuring it:


Performing any of these unsupported and prohibited actions could cause internal errors and security violations in the database management system.

These users are created during database installation, and might change in future releases:

  • Users in which Oracle-supplied Oracle Multimedia is installed: ORDSYS, ORDPLUGINS, SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA, and ORDDATA

  • User in which Oracle Multimedia Locator is installed if Oracle Spatial and Graph is not installed: MDSYS

Do not delete any of these users.

Do not connect to, modify, or change the privileges of any of these users or their contents (which are supplied by Oracle Multimedia and reserved by Oracle), with these exceptions:

  • You can add user-defined packages to the user ORDPLUGINS (see Chapter 7).

  • DICOM administrators can store user-defined DICOM data model configuration documents in the user ORDDATA, using the DICOM data model repository API. See Oracle Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide for more information about inserting documents into the data model repository.

B.2.1 Preinstallation Steps

Before installing and configuring Oracle Multimedia manually, perform these steps:

  1. Install Oracle Database, including PL/SQL, Oracle JVM, Oracle XML Database, and Oracle XDK.

  2. Create the database.

  3. Start the database.

  4. Verify that the required software is correctly installed and valid, as follows:

    1. Run SQL*Plus, connect as SYSDBA, and enter these queries:

      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='JAVAVM';
      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='XDB';
      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='XML';
    2. Examine the results of the queries to ensure that each version value is identical to the version of Oracle Multimedia that you are installing and each status value is VALID.

See Also:

Oracle Database Installation Guide for your operating system for more detailed information

B.2.2 Installation and Configuration Steps

These steps are not required if you use the Database Configuration Assistant.

To install and configure Oracle Multimedia manually, perform these steps:


In these steps, <ORACLE_HOME> is replaced with the location of the Oracle home directory.
  1. Use Oracle Universal Installer to install the files that comprise Oracle Multimedia on your system.

  2. Decide which tablespace to use for the Oracle Multimedia users, and which tablespace to use for the Oracle Spatial and Graph/Oracle Multimedia Location Services user (see Table B-1). Oracle recommends using the SYSAUX tablespace for all these users.

  3. Use the Perl script catcon.pl to run the Oracle Multimedia installation scripts. The catcon.pl script is in the directory <ORACLE_HOME>/rdbms/admin.

    1. Run the script to create the users and grant the appropriate privileges.

      If you are using a tablespace other than SYSAUX, replace the SYSAUX parameters with the tablespaces you have chosen. The first parameter is the tablespace for Oracle Multimedia; the second parameter is the tablespace for Oracle Spatial and Graph.

      perl catcon.pl -u SYS -d <ORACLE_HOME>/ord/admin -b ordinst ordinst.sql '--pSYSAUX' '--pSYSAUX' 
    2. Run the script to install the Oracle Multimedia types and packages.

      perl catcon.pl -u SYS -d <ORACLE_HOME>/ord/im/admin -b catim catim.sql 

Now Oracle Multimedia is ready for use.

B.3 Verifying an Installed Version of Oracle Multimedia

After installing or upgrading Oracle Multimedia, you can verify the Oracle Multimedia installation by calling the Oracle Multimedia validation procedure.

To run the Oracle Multimedia validation procedure, perform these steps:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect as SYSDBA:

    % sqlplus
    SQL> CONNECT sys as sysdba
  2. Execute the procedure sys.validate_ordim:

    SQL> execute sys.validate_ordim;

    If the validation procedure detects invalid objects, it lists the first few invalid objects and sets the registry entry to INVALID; otherwise, it silently sets the Oracle Multimedia registry entry to VALID.

  3. Verify that the registry entry for Oracle Multimedia is correct, as follows:

    1. Enter this query from SQL*Plus, while you are connected as SYSDBA:

      SQL> select version, status from dba_registry where comp_id='ORDIM';
    2. Examine the result of the query to ensure that the version value is correct and the status value is VALID.

B.4 Upgrading an Installed Version of Oracle Multimedia

If you upgrade a database from an earlier release of Oracle Database, Oracle Multimedia is upgraded automatically if it is detected in the source database.

See Also:

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for detailed upgrading instructions

B.5 Downgrading an Installed Version of Oracle Multimedia

Oracle Multimedia is automatically downgraded when you downgrade a database with the Oracle Multimedia feature installed.


Do not modify your DICOM data model repository until you are sure that you are not going to downgrade from the new release of Oracle Database back to the source release.

Changes to the Oracle Multimedia DICOM data model repository (such as document insertions or deletions) that you make after a database upgrade are lost after a database downgrade.

See Also:

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for detailed downgrading instructions