Setting Object Security on Dimensions: This screen capture shows the Set Dimension PRODUCT Object Security dialog box. The Dimension Name is <ALL DIMENSIONS>. The User or Role is PUBLIC. The Extend the Select Privilege to the Dimension and Hierarchy Views option is selected. The Extend All Dimension Privileges to the Analytic Workspace GLOBAL option is selected. The With Grant Option option is not selected. The Available Privileges are INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and ALTER. The Selected Privilege is SELECT. In the The SQL Commands list, the following statements are visible: GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_MARKET_VIEW TO PUBLIC, GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.PRODUCT TO PUBLIC, GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.PRODUCT_VIEW TO PUBLIC, GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.PRODUCT_PRIMARY_VIEW TO PUBLIC, GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.TIME TO PUBLIC, GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.TIME_VIEW TO PUBLIC, GRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.TIME_CALENDAR_VIEW TO PUBLICGRANT SELECT ON GLOBAL.TIME_FISCAL_VIEW TO PUBLIC.