This is a text description of Figure 1-1. It illustrates the storage, query, and inferencing capabilities of Oracle Database. These capabilities are explained in text after the illustration.

The illustration contains four boxes, labeled INFER, QUERY, STORE, and Database.

The INFER box contains boxes labeled "OWL subset", "RDF/S", and "User-defined", with an arrow pointing to "RDF/OWL data and ontologies" in the Database box.

The QUERY box contains two boxes: one labeled "Query RDF/OWL data and ontologies and the other labeled "Ontology-assisted query of relational data", with an arrow pointing from each to "RDF/OWL data and ontologies" in the Database box, and an arrow pointing from "Ontology-assisted query of relational data" to "Enterprise (relational) data" in the Database box.

The STORE box contains boxes labeled "Bulk Load" and "Incremental Load and DML", with an arrow pointing to "RDF/OWL data and ontologies" in the Database box.