The Memory Details page is shown.

This page contains four sections: Memory Page Scan Rate (pages/sec), Memory Utilization (%), Swap Utilization (%), and Top 10 Processes (ordered by Memory). The Top 10 Processes are not shown in the screenshot.

The Memory Page Scan Rate chart has pages per second on the y-axis, with gradations of 500 from 0 to 2,000. The x-axis units are hours of day, shown in 20-minute intervals. The values range shown from 11:37 a.m. January 6, 2012 to 12:40 p.m. January 6. The scan rate stays at 0 from 11:37 to about 11:50 when it goes to about 600. It drops to 250 by 11:55 then climbs to 1500 by about 12:03. It drops to 500 at 12:18, climbs to 1000 by 12:23, then drops back to 0 at 12:37. It rises to 480 at 12:44, drops to 100 at 12:47 at rises to 500 by 12:50. Below the graph is a link to the Memory Page Scan Rate (per second) page. Below that are two label-value pairs. The labels and values are Current Memory Page Scan Rate (pages/s), 382.85, and Additional Metrics, Paging Details. The Paging Details value is a link.

The Memory Utilization chart has percentages as the units of the y-axis with gradations of 25. The x-axis units are hours of day, shown in 20-minute intervals. The values shown range from 11:37 a.m. January 6, 2012 to 12:45 p.m. January 6. The memory utilization is 75% most of the time with rises to about 78% at 12:53 and 12:08 and steadily at about 78% from about 12:25 to 12:35. Below the graph is a link to the Memory Utilization (%) page. Below that is a label-value pair. The label is "Current Memory Utilization (%)" and a green check mark icon. The value is 74.77.

The Swap Utilization chart has percentages as the units of the y-axis with gradations of 25. The x-axis units are hours of day, shown in 20-minute intervals. The values shown range from 11:52 a.m. January 6, 2012 to 12:45 p.m. January 6. The swap utilization is about 62% with little variation over time. Below the graph is a link to the Swap Utilization (%) page. Below that is a label-value pair. The label is "Current Swap Utilization (%)" and a green check mark icon. The value is 63.23.

End of description.