The Advisor Tasks page is shown.

The Change Default Parameters button is at the upper right.

The Search section is shown. A line of text says, "Select an advisory type and optionally enter a task name to filter the data that is displayed in your results set."

Below the text are four lists. The Advisory Type list has a value of ADDM. The Task Name list shows a null value. The Advisor Runs list shows a value of All. The status list shows the value of All. The Go button appears to the right of the lists.

Below the lists is text that says, "By default, the search returns all uppercase matches beginning with the string you entered. To run an exact or case-sensitive match, double quote the search string. You can use the wildcard symbol (%) in a double quoted string."

The Results section includes a table.

Above the table are the View Result and Delete buttons. The Actions list shows the Re-schedule value. To the right of this list is the Go button. At the far right is a field that shows the number of the currently selected 25 results. The value in the list is 1-25 of 432. To the left of the field is a greyed-out Previous arrow. To the right of the field is a Next 25 arrow.

The table has the following columns: Select, Advisory Type, Name, Description, User, Status, Start Time, Duration (seconds), and Expires In (days). The Name values appear as links. The Select values appear as selectable options.

Row 1 contains the following values: (option, shown selected), ADDM, TASK_447, null, DBA1, COMPLETED, Jan 29 2012, 0, 30.

Row 2 contains the following values: (option), ADDM, ADDM:399937146_1_416, ADDM auto run, DBA1, COMPLETED, Jan 29 2012 11:29:12 AM, 1, 30.

Row 3 contains the following values: (option), ADDM, ADDM:399937146_1_415, ADDM auto run, DBA1, COMPLETED, Jan 29 2012 11:23:12 AM, 0, 30.

End of description.