The I/O breakdown options are: I/O Function, I/O Type (selected), and Consumer Group.

A line chart labeled I/O Megabytes per Second by I/O Type is shown. The y-axis units are MB per second. The y-axis values range from 0 to 50. The following types of information are tracked in the chart: Large Writes, Small Writes, Large Reads, and Small Reads. The chart shows large and small writes activity from 1:00 to 4:30 a.m., with the largest spikes at 2:00 and 4:00 a.m.

A line chart labeled I/O Requests per Second by I/O Type is shown. The y-axis units are I/O per second. The y-axis values range from 0 to 600. The following types of information are tracked in the chart: Large Writes, Small Writes, Large Reads, and Small Reads. The chart shows small writes activity from 1:00 to 4:30 a.m. with the largest spike in activity at 4:00.

End of description.