The I/O charts are shown.

The top section is Latency for Synchronous Single Block Reads.

A line chart is displayed. The y-axis units are milliseconds. The values range from 0 to 10. The x-axis units are hours of the day, shown in 3-hour intervals. The x-axis values range from 5:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. The chart tracks Latency information. The chart shows little activity, with a spike of about 2 at 2:00.

The I/O breakdown options are: I/O Function (shown selected), I/O Type, and Consumer Group.

A line chart labeled I/O Megabytes per Second by I/O Function is shown. The y-axis units are megabytes per second. The y-axis values range from 0 to 50. The legend for the types of information that can appear in the chart contains the following: Archive Manager, Others, XDB, Streams AQ, Data Pump, Recovery, RMAN, ARCH, LGWR, DBWR, Direct Writes, Direct Reads, Buffer Cache Reads. The chart shows activity in Others, LGWR, and DBWR, with a spike in Others at 2:00 and in LGWR at 4:00.

A line chart labeled I/O Requests per Second by I/O Function is shown. The y-axis units are I/O per second. The y-axis values range from 0 to 1200. The legend for the types of information that can appear in the chart contains the following: Archive Manager, Others, XDB, Streams AQ, Data Pump, Recovery, RMAN, ARCH, LGWR, DBWR, Direct Writes, Direct Reads, Buffer Cache Reads. The chart shows activity in LGWR and DBWR, with the biggest spike in LGWR at 4:00.

End of description.