The screenshot shows the Load Profile section of the AWR report. Refer to the complete text description of the report.

The section contains two tables. The first table has the following columns: null, 1st per sec, 2nd per sec, %Diff, 1st per txn, 2nd per txn, %Diff. The table has 14 rows. The values of the rows are the following:

Row 1: DB time, 1.1, 0, -100, 18.5, .1, -99.7.

Row 2: CPU time, 1, 0, -100, 16.6, .1, -99.7.

Row 3: Redo size, 3,990.2, 3,740.6, 67,475.6, 173,212.3, 156.7.

Row 4: Logical reads, 12,987.5, 34.7, -99.7, 219,620.6, 1,606.2, -99.3.

Row 5: Block changes, 37.7, 10.9, -71.1, 637.2, 504.5, 020.8.

Row 6: Physical read, 1,370, .1, -100, 23,166.5, 6.5, -100.

Row 7: Physical writes, 7.2, 1.1, -84.4, 122.3, 52.4, -57.2.

Row 8: User calls, 5.9, .5, -91.8, 99.4, 22.2, -77.7.

Row 9: Parses, 2.2, .7, -70.1, 37.9, 30.9, -18.4.

Row 10: Hard parses, 0, 0, 0, .1, 166.7.

Row 11: VWA MB processed, 1,703,507.8, 120,606.6, -92.9, 28,806,651.2, 5,584,817.2, -92.9.

Row 12: Logons, 1.1, 0, -97.3, 18.8, 1.3, -93.

Row 13: Executes, 23.7, 3.2, -86.4, 401, 149.3, -62.8.

Row 14: Transactions, .1, 0, -66.7, null, null, null.

The second table has the following columns: null, 1st, 2nd, Diff. The table has 5 rows. The values of the rows are the following:

Row 1: % Blocks changed per Read .3, 31.4, 31.1.

Recursive Call %, 96.8, 97.7, 1.

Rollback per transaction %, 0, 0, 0.

Rows per Sort, 9,435.6, 15.9, -9,491.7.

Avg DB time per Call (sec), .2, 0, -.2.

End of description.