The ADDM Performance Analysis section of the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitory (ADDM) page is shown. At the upper left is a label-value pair. The label is Task Name and the value is TASK_447. At the right are three buttons: Filters, View Snapshots, View Report.

Below the buttons are four label-value pairs. The labels and values are the following:

Below the label-value pairs is a table with the following columns: Impact (%), Finding, Occurrences (24 hrs ending with analysis period). The Findings and Occurrences values are links. The table shows 5 rows.

Row 1 has the following values: 58.4, Slow Achievers, 7 of 21.

Row 2 has the following values: 36.3, Top SQL Statements, 16 of 21.

Row 3 has the following values: 29.1, Session Connect and Disconnect, 6 of 21.

Row 4 has the following values: 18.7, Buffer Busy - Hot Block, 3 of 21.

Row 5 has the following values: 18.7, Buffer Busy - Hot Objects, 3 of 21.

End of description.