The screenshot shows a portion of the Initialization page in Enterprise Manager. The Current tab is selected. The other tab shown on the page is labeled SPFile. Under these tabs is the following sentence: "The parameter values listed here are currently used by the running instance(s).You can change static parameters in SPFile mode."

After this text is the Search area. There are 5 search fields followed by a Go button. The search fields are:

After the search fields is the option "Apply changes in current running instance(s) mode to SPFile." This option is currently not selected.

Next there are two buttons on the page: Add and Reset. Below these buttons is a table of parameters. The screenshot shows 9 of the table columns, titled, from left to right: Select, Instance, Name, Help, Revisions, Value, Comments, Type, and Basic. There are three rows in the table. The rows contain the following values, from left to right:

End of description.