The graphic shows a screenshot. The title is Incident Manager. Underneath are the breadcrumbs Incident Manager > Incident Details. The heading is Internal Error ORA600. Underneath are five tabs: General, Events, My Oracle Support Knowledge, Updates, Related Events and Incidents. General is selected. The name/value pairs are: ID, 187; Target, orcl; Incident Created, Mar 6; Problem ID, 52; ECID, Not Available; Last Updated, Mar 6; Summary, Internal Error (ORA 600); Category, Diagnostics, Fault. The Tracking section has icons for Acknowledge, Add Comment, Manager. The name/value pairs are: Escalated, No; Priority, None; Status, New; Owner, -; Acknowledged, No. The text says "It is strongly recommended that you manage the tracking at problem level for advanced diagnostic repository generated incidents." The Guided Resolution section has a section Diagnostics. The link is View Diagnostic Data.