This screen shot has the title SQL Plan Control. It has three tables: SQL Profile, SQL Patch, and SQL Plan Baseline (selected). A Refresh button is in the upper right. Below this button is the following text: "A SQL Plan Baseline is an execution plan deemed to have acceptable performance for a given SQL statement."

In the Settings section, next to Capture SQL Plan Baselines, is the value TRUE. Next to Use SQL Plan Baselines is the value TRUE. Next to Plan Retention (Weeks) is a text box containing the value 53. Next to this box is a Configure button. In the Jobs for SQL Plan Baselines section are three boxes: Load Jobs, Pending, and Completed.

In the Search section is a SQL Text box. To the right of this box is the Go button. Below this text box is the following text: "By default, the search is case insensitive. To run an exact or case-sensitive search, double-quote the search string. You may also use the '%' symbol as a wildcard."

Below the Search section are the following buttons: Enable, Disable, Drop, Evolve, Copy To A Database, Pack. To the right is a list showing the value Fixed - Yes. To the right of the list is the Go button.

At the bottom of the screen shot is a table with the following columns: Select, Name, SQL Test, Enabled, Accepted, Reproduced, Fixed, Auto Purge, Origin, Created. The table contains one row with the following values: (checkbox), SQL_PLAN_fubtg..., SELECT database_role FROM v$database, YES, YES, YES, NO, YES, AUTO-CAPTURE, Oct 6 2011.