The Monitored SQL Execution Details page has buttons for Save, Mail, and View Report. The Overview section contains three boxes. In the left box, the SQL ID is6hc35b1m03m9z. Execution Started Thu May 3, 012 2:20:06 PM. Last Refresh Time Thu May 3, 012 2:20:00 PM. Execution ID 16777216. User SH. Fetch Calls 61258. The Time & Wait Statistics box contains a Duration bar for 1.9m, Database Time for 20.4s, PL/SQL & Java 0.0s, and Wait Activity % null. In the IO Statistics box, the Buffer Gets bar is 3,378. IO Requests are 4,693. IO Bytes are 231 MB. The Details section contains buttons for Plan Statistics, Plan, and Activity. The Plan Hash Value is 159545967. A table shows the execution plan for the SELECT statement. The columns are Operation, Name, Estima . . ., Cost, Timeline, Exe . . ., Actu . . ., Mem . . ., Tem . . ., IO Requests, CPU Activity %, Wait Activity . . . .