================================================================================ Oracle Big Data Discovery (1.0.0 Revision B) GENERAL (1.0.0) - Release Notes Updated: March 2015 BUG FIXES (1.0.0) Installation: - EADMIN-653: The installer now issues a warning if the information in the STUDIO_JDBC_URL property does not match the Studio database. - EADMIN-660: The bdd.conf file now contains the TEMP_FOLDER_PATH property, which configures the temp directory used by the installer. - EADMIN-730: There was an issue with the previous BDD installer that caused it to automatically create a Hypersonic database if the user provided it with information that did not match their existing database. Additionally, it set the OLT_HOME property incorrectly, which caused some Data Enrichment modules to fail. The installer has been updated to address these issues. Documentation: - EDOC-575: Studio sign in instructions were missing from the Installation and Deployment Guide. - EDOC-75: "Chapter 25 Transforming a Project Data Set" of the Data Exploration and Analysis Guide has been improved with more information about transformation workflow and adding attributes. - EDOC-220: The "Chart" topics in "Chapter 32 Charts" of the Data Exploration and Analysis Guide have been revised to accurately represent the 1.0.0 release. - EDOC-447: The "Parallel Coordinates Plot" topics in "Chapter 32 Charts" of the Data Exploration and Analysis Guide have been revised to accurately represent the 1.0.0 release. - EDOC-448: The "Box Plot" topics in "Chapter 32 Charts" of the Data Exploration and Analysis Guide have been revised to accurately represent the 1.0.0 release. - EDOC-449: The "Histogram Plot" topics in "Chapter 32 Charts" of the Data Exploration and Analysis Guide have been revised to accurately represent the 1.0.0 release. - EDOC-652: "Chapter 4 Installing and Deploying Big Data Discovery" now includes information on silent installation. - EDOC-561: The "Physical memory and disk space requirements" topic of the Installation and Deployment guide now includes information on required YARN properties. - EDOC-581: The "Downloading the BDD media pack" topic of the Installation and Deployment Guide was updated to better reflect the procedure for downloading the BDD installation packages. - EDOC-588: The Installation and Deployment Guide now contains a topic called "Sample commands for a production database", which contains sample SQL commands for creating Oracle and MySQL databases. - EDOC-589: The "Updating the configuration file" topic of the Installation and Deployment Guide now describes the TEMP_FOLDER_PATH property. ================================================================================ Oracle Big Data Discovery (1.0.0 Revision A) GENERAL (1.0.0) - Release Notes Updated: January 2015 KNOWN ISSUES (1.0.0) Installation: - EADMIN-493: Using symlinks in the installer's configuration file will cause deployment to fail, as the installer resolves all symlinks to their full paths. To avoid this, only use absolute paths in the configuration file. - EADMIN-625: If the $JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set to the correct location of Java, the installer can fail with the following incorrect error when checking the ZooKeepers: "Fail! COORDINATOR_INDEX already exists in ZooKeeper, please use another value." If you recieve this error during the installation, verify that $JAVA_HOME is set properly. If it is, verify that there are no duplicate indexes. Studio: - ESTUDIO-3771: The aggregation functions for attributes of linked datasets revert to default values when links change. - ESTUDIO-3874: The "Changeable" option must be checked when configuring the - ESTUDIO-3944: After moving a column on the Transform grid, you need to manually refresh the page before you can move another column. - ESTUDIO-3968: The left and right scroll bar arrows do not work with Pivot Table if you are using Studio in Internet Explorer versions 10 or 11. - ESTUDIO-3997: Charts are not included in snapshots if you are using Studio in Internet Explorer versions 10 or 11. - ESTUDIO-4081: The "Title" and "pt" labels are missing from the "Color" format option in the Chart component. - ESTUDIO-4144: When refining on a date/time attribute used as the Trellis attribute, only the first trellis is displayed. - ESTUDIO-4222: Custom views that contain a pre-defined metric cannot be exported. ============================================================================= Oracle Big Data Discovery GENERAL (1.0.0) - Software Release Date: January 2015 - The release notes and related product documentation may have been updated since the release date. The latest release notes and documentation are available through the Oracle Big Data Discovery documentation page on the Oracle Help Center at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E57471_01/index.htm or by contacting Oracle Technical Support for Big Data Discovery. INSTALLATION (1.0.0) - Refer to the Big Data Discovery Installation and Deployment Guide for installation information. KNOWN ISSUES (1.0.0) Data Processing: - EDPROC-1480: After committing a transform that includes the Address GeoTagger, the Post Code attribute that gets created will be mistakenly detected as a number type and when shown in Studio will be formatted as a number, with leading zeros trimmed and commas placed in the thousands column. For example, the Boston zipcode 02108 will be displayed as 2,108 in Studio. - EDPROC-1623: Spark fails to clean up cache/lock files in the /tmp directory on Spark Worker nodes. This can result in /tmp getting filled up. This is a known issue within Spark 1.2. A workaround for this issue is to ensure that a large amount of disk space is available to /tmp and that /tmp gets cleaned up at regular intervals. - EDPROC-1640: Newly added and enriched attribute values are all empty after committing a Tranform. The problem occurs for String columns that contain less than 100% geocode types and Data Enrichment is run. To work around this problem, make sure that the original column contains 100% geocode data. Dgraph: - ESERVER-1066: If there is a severe network problem and the Dgraph disconnects from ZooKeeper, a follower Dgraph node may segfault as a result of catching up while disconnected from ZooKeeper. - ESERVER-1188: PropertyValueSearch does not take join filters into account. - ESERVER-1481: If there is a severe network problem and views (semantic entities) are being updated, queries referencing views may return incorrect results. - ESERVER-1495: If you turn off ZooKeeper for a time longer than the session time-out, it will take until another session time-out's length of time before a new leader can be selected. Studio: - ESTUDIO-3842: Histogram plot displays incorrect data when the histogram type is set to cumulative. - ESTUDIO-3334: The parallel coordinates visualization does not support multi-assign attributes. - ESTUDIO-3285: New attributes that are created as the result of a transform operation are set to single assign. - ESTUDIO-1978: In some cases, very small double precision numbers (i.e. 1.0E-324) may be incorrectly indexed and displayed as ¿.0E-324. This may cause errors in transform when attempting to apply transformations to numbers of that type. - ESTUDIO-3964: Errors may occur when transforming different data sets in separate tabs of the same Web browser. - ESTUDIO-3796: After logging out and logging back in again, attributes marked as Favorites are not displayed in the first columns of the Transform page. - ESTUDIO-3577: When bringing up the custom Transformation Editor from the "Add attribute" menu, the "Use refinement state as a conditional statement" is greyed out. Documentation: - EDOC-220, 447, 448, 449: Portions of "Part IX Using and Configuring Specific Components" in the "Data Exploration and Analysis Guide" are not current. =============================================================================