4. Enabling Auto Authorization

This chapter contains the following sections:

4.1 Normal Process of Authorization in System

Most of the information that you enter in to

the system needs to be authorized to be effective. Except for the static information that you typically enter in to the system only once, all other information must be authorized. Authorization is required for all maintenance as well as transactional information in the system.

When you enter information related to any of these events into the system, the record that is initially saved when you complete the data entry is retained in the system as unauthorized information, which must be subsequently authorized to become effective.

Usually, authorizing information in the system is an activity that follows a maker-checker concept, i.e., the user that enters the information must be necessarily different from the user that authorizes the information. Therefore, whereas one user group will have access to functions that involve entering information into the system, a different user group has access to the functions that involve information authorization, and there is no overlap of access privileges.

4.2 Auto-authorization

This section contains the following topics:

4.2.1 Auto-authorization Features in System

In some environments, the user that enters the information needs to be able to authorize it simultaneously. In such cases, the maker-checker concept leads to unnecessary delegation of activity, which is undesirable. This means that in such an environment, the user that enters the information must, on saving the entered record, be able to authorize the record. For such environments, the auto-authorization function is provided by the FC-IS system. When this function is used, the Save operation in any screen that involves data entry (apart from static information screens) will also invoke and perform the authorization for the records that have been entered.

It is possible to be selective about the business functions for which you need to use the auto-authorization feature. This means that you can enable the auto-authorization feature for the functions for which you require simultaneous authorization on saving the record, and you can keep it disabled for others, allowing them to go through the normal maker-checker process of authorization.

The following features comprise the auto-authorization facility in the system:

4.2.2 Using Auto-authorization Feature

To allow the auto-authorization feature for a user group and a certain set of menu items, you must map the user groups to the menu items or the task for which auto-authorization is applicable, using the ‘Auto Auth Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘SMDAUTAU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. The screen is displayed below: Auto Auth Maintenance Screen

You can use this screen to map user groups to the tasks for which auto-authorization is applicable. If the user administrator or the module administrator users do not maintain the setup for each of the user groups in this screen, the auto-authorization is not enabled for that user group. Enabling or Disabling Auto-authorization for User Group

When you open the Auto Auth Maintenance screen, the auto authorization features that have been enabled for the module and the group to which the logged in user belongs, are displayed.

To amend the displayed list, click unlock icon. The screen is displayed in Amend mode, where you can make your changes. The changes you make will apply to all users and roles in the Group ID to which the logged in user belongs, for the logged in Module.

You can make changes as follows:

Click on the ‘OK’ button. The auto authorization record of the logged in user group, which was on display, is closed, and the Auto Auth Maintenance screen is opened in New mode.

Select the user group for which you want to enable or disable the auto authorization rights, in the Group ID field. Select the corresponding module in the Module ID field, and click on ‘Ok’ button.

Subsequently, proceed to set up the auto authorization rights in the same manner as described above, for the amend operation.

4.2.3 Operations on Auto Authorization Records

After you have set up auto authorization for a user group, you must have another user authorize it so that it would be effective in the system.

Before the setup is authorized, you can edit its details as many times as necessary. You can also delete it before it is authorized.

After authorization, you can only make changes to any of the details through an amendment.

The Auto Auth Maintenance screen can be used for the following operations on auto authorization setups:

To perform these operations, click on the appropriate buttons in the horizontal array of buttons in the Auto Auth Maintenance screen.

4.3 PIPA Audit Log

This section contains the following topic:

4.3.1 Uploading PIPA Audit Log

As per Article 12 of Enforcement Rules of Personal Information Protection Act which is enacted according to Article 55 of the Personal Information Protection Act (‘the Act’), the government agency or the non-government agency will have to take technical or organizational measures for the purpose of preventing personal information from being stolen, altered, damaged, destroyed or disclosed. This includes but is not limited to establishing a mechanism of auditing information security and keeping records of the use, locus information and proof.

You can log audit information to access unit holder/ customer/ transaction and balance related information. The system will store the details of data accessed by the business user for the current day. The data access log covers the following data:

Audit of personnel accessing the above data will stored/ logged and the details are as follows:

The audit log process happens for the following New/ Modify/ Query/ Delete operations for a single record and fetch a single record from summary screen and view in detail screen. You can track actions in audit log in ‘View’ mode for a specific record for:

The system uses ‘PIPA Audit log’ as part of EOD activity to extract the data logged for the current day and for the module logged.

The multi record fetched through summary screen will not be logged; but a single record selected through the summary result will record the log.

You can fetch subscription records through summary screen by selecting a single record and view the record through detail screen.

Any data viewed via Detail screen by clicking Search/ Fetch button like List of values, find UH will not be logged by the system.


All queries irrespective of success or unsuccessful output will be logged as part of audit requirement.

Following are the list of function IDs impacted in the system:

Function ID


Audit against the Operations


Customer Maintenance -> Detail

New/ Modify/ Query/ Delete/ Close/ Reopen


CIF Address -> Detail

New/ Close/ Query/ Modify/ Reo­pen


CIF Address Fund Map -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen


Customer Log -> Customer Log

New/ Query


Unit holder -> Detail

New/ Copy/ Query/ Modify/ Reo­pen


Unit Holder Balances -> Sum­mary

Enter Query


Unit Holder Currency of Expres­sion -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


Unit holder Deal -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH IDS Setup -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH IRRF Preference -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH LOI -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH NPI Preference -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorize/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH Non Tax Limits -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH Portfolio Re Adjustment -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorize/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


UH Status Change -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Adjustment Sub­scription

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Adjustment Redemption

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> IPO Subscription

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Reverse Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Subscription

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Reverse/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Redemption

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Reverse/Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Switch

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Reverse/Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Transfer

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Reverse/Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Block

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Un-Block

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Consolidation

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Split

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Reissue

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Transaction -> Enrich Exchange Rate



Transaction -> Light Weight Transaction

New/ Authorize/ View/ Query


Transaction -> Conversion

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Amount Block -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify


Amount Un-Block -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify


Tax Compliance -> Classification

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify


UH Dividend Component Over­ride -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify


FATCA -> Entity FATCA Classifi­cation

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Investor fund Balance -> Sum­mary



Fund Entity -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


KYC Chasing Details -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify


One Legged Transfer -> Detail

New/ Query


Back Data Propagation -> Propa­gation Enquiry

Enter Query


Back Data Propagation -> UT Transaction

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Back Data Propagation -> UT Propagation

New/ Authorise/ Query


Back Data Propagation -> LEP Propagate SI

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


Back Data Propagation -> LEP Transaction

New/ Delete/ Authorize/ Query/ Modify


RTA Transfers -> Detail

New/ Query


Share Class Adhoc Conversion -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Modify/ Reopen


Queries -> Consolidated Enquiry



LEP Online -> Policy

New/ Delete/ Close/ Authorise/Query/ Reopen/ Modify


LEP Maintenance -> Policy Ces­sion

New/ Delete/ Reverse/ Authorise/Query/ Modify


LEP Online -> Policy Reversal

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/Modify


LEP Online -> Policy Surrender

New/ Delete/ Reverse/ Authorise/Query/ Modify


LEP Online -> Policy Switch

New/ Delete/ Reverse/ Authorise/Query/ Modify


LEP Online -> Policy Top Up

New/ Delete/ Reverse/ Authorise/Query/ Modify


Auth Rep Maintenance -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify


Single Entity Maintenance -> Detail

New/ Delete/ Authorise/ Query/ Modify

The SMTB_SMS_LOG and SMTBS_SMS_ACTION_LOG tables will log the audit information and hence the system will purge/ archive the data of these two data stores.


After EOD, the system will store the audit logging details in PIPAAUDITPROCESSTBL. The purging will happen in PIPAAUDITPROCESSTBL table.