5. External System Maintenance

Integration of different applications and s olutions is a key area in today’s systems. A variety of specialized applications deployed on disparate platforms and using different infrastructure need to be able to communicate and integrate seamlessly with FCIS, in order to exchange data. FCIS facilitates maintenance of such integration in the following screens:

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 External System

This section contains the following topics:

5.1.1 Maintaining External System

You need to maintain an external system that will communicate with FCIS. You can maintain and modify these parameters ‘External System Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTDEXSYS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The various parameters that can be maintained in this screen are described below.

External System

You can maintain the following parameters here:

External System

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a name for the external system. This should be the same as the Source in an incoming message.


Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a brief description for the External System.

Correlation Pattern

You can maintain the following parameters here:



Select a way in which the external system should correlate its request message with the response message, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Message Exchange Pattern

You can maintain the following parameters here:

Request Message


Select a pattern for the generated request message from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


If you select ‘Full Screen’ as the request message, the response message will also display ‘Full Screen’.

Response Message


Select a pattern for the generated response message from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


You can maintain the following parameters here:

Default Response Queue

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify a valid response queue name as the default response queue, for each of the ‘In Queue’ through which the External System will communicate with FCIS.

Dead Letter Queue

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Optional

Specify a valid queue as dead letter queue to direct the received messages which are non-readable.


If the Dead Letter Queue is not defined, such messages will be redirected to a queue with the name of the request queue appended with ‘_E’.

XSD Validation Required


Check this box if you want to validate the request message against its corresponding XSD.

Register Response Queue Message ID


Check this box if you want to log the message ID, which is provided by the Response Queue, when a response message is posted into the queue.

External System Queues

You can maintain the following parameters here:

In Queue

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the name of the queue from which the messages were received. The name of the queue will help identify the external system.


Response Queue

Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a valid response queue to display the queue name on posting a request message into the In Queue, when the External System fails. Response queue can be maintained for every In Queue.

5.2 External System Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Retrieving External System Details

You can view, modify, delete and authorize External system details in the ‘External System Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTSEXSYS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can perform the following actions using this screen

5.2.2 Viewing External System Details

You can view previously entered details of external system in the ‘External System Summary’ screen, as follows:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.

5.2.3 Deleting External System Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

5.2.4 Modifying External System Details

You can modify only unauthorized records in the system. To modify a record that you have previously entered:

You can edit External System details as many times as necessary before you authorize it.

5.2.5 Authorizing External System Details

You can authorize records in the system. To authorize a record that you have previously entered:

5.3 External System Functions

This section contains the following topics:

5.3.1 Maintaining External System Functions

You can define access rights to an external system using the ‘External System Functions’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTDEXFUN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details:

External System

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Specify an external system for which you wish to provide access rights from the adjoining option list. The adjoining option list displays all the external systems you have maintained at the ‘External Systems Maintenance’ level.


Alphanumeric; 105 Characters; Mandatory

Description of the specified external system is defaulted here.

Function ID

Alphanumeric; 8 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a valid function ID from the adjoining option list. The function IDs are invoked from Gateway Functions.


Alphanumeric; 10 Characters; Mandatory

Select an action for the external system from the adjoining option list.

Service Name

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Service name is defaulted here based on the specified Function ID and Action.

Operation Code

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Operation Code is defaulted here based on the specified Function ID and Action.

5.4 External System Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.4.1 Retrieving External System Details

You can view, modify, delete and authorize external system function details in the ‘External System Functions Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTSEXFUN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

5.4.2 Viewing External System Functions Details

You can view previously entered details of external system in the ‘External System Functions Summary’ screen, as follows:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.

5.4.3 Deleting External System Functions Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

5.4.4 Modifying External System Function Details

You can modify only unauthorized records in the system. To modify a record that you have previously entered:

You can edit External System details as many times as necessary before you authorize it.

5.4.5 Authorizing External System Function Details

You can authorize records in the system. To authorize a record that you have previously entered:

5.5 Message Media

This section contains the following topics:

5.5.1 Maintaining Message Media

FCIS facilitates maintenance of different media through which advices and messages can be generated. At your bank, you can only receive or route messages through a media that you have maintained in this screen. These specifications can be made only at the main branch and will be applicable to all the branches of your bank.

You can maintain standard media like Mail, Telex and SWIFT and also other media like CHIPS or any other country or customer specific media from which the messages will be routed. You can invoke the ‘Message Media Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘UTDMEDIA’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

In this screen, you can maintain the following:

Media Code

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a unique code to identify the media.

When you want to transit a message through a particular media type, you just have to specify the code assigned to the media type. The message will be routed automatically through the media.

Media Number

Numeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a unique number with which you want to represent the media.


Alphanumeric; 35 Characters; Mandatory

Specify description for the specified media code. The description will help you identify the code that it represents.

Message Suffix

Alphanumeric; 200 Characters; Optional

Specify padding characters which you want to add to the end of every outgoing message, automatically. The specified padding characters will be inserted, automatically, at the end of every outgoing message in the media.

Message Terminator

Alphanumeric; 100 characters; Optional

Specify padded characters that mark the end of the incoming messages in a media. The system identifies the end of an incoming message, in a file containing several messages, when it encounters the padding characters that you have specified for a media type.

Number of Characters

Numeric; 3 Characters; Optional

Specify the number of times you want to repeat the set of specified padding characters, if you opted to suffix an outgoing message with a set of padding characters.

The padding characters will be suffixed to every outgoing message in the media as many times as you specify.

Media Priority

Numeric; 2 Characters; Mandatory

Specify usage priority for each media type that you maintain. When dispatching messages to customers, the media type used for sending the message will be the one that is higher on the priority rating.

Test Word Required


Check this option if you want to insert the test word to the telex message manually before it is generated from your branch.

Stop Processing


Check this box if you want to stop the processing for the incoming and outgoing messages.

Padding Required


Check this box if you want to add the suffix to the outgoing messages.

5.6 Message Media Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.6.1 Retrieving Message Media Details

You can view, modify, delete and authorize external system function details in the ‘Message Media Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTSMEDIA’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can perform the following actions using this screen

5.6.2 Viewing Message Media Details

You can view previously entered details of external system in the ‘Message Media Summary’ screen, as follows:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.

5.6.3 Deleting Message Media Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

5.6.4 Modifying Message Media Details

You can modify only unauthorized records in the system. To modify a record that you have previously entered:

You can edit External System details as many times as necessary before you authorize it.

5.6.5 Authorizing Message Media Details

You can authorize records in the system. To authorize a record that you have previously entered:

5.7 Media Control System

This section contains the following topics:

5.7.1 Maintaining Media Control System

The messages that are sent from and delivered to your bank are transmitted and received over sources that are external to FCIS. We shall call these external sources Media Control Systems (MCS).

In a distributed environment, the database of a branch is located in a node or server. The MCS of the messages are also installed in a node. Thus, while defining an MCS, you also need to indicate the node in which it is installed.

An MCS can handle only one media, hence you need to set up several media control systems for the various media types maintained for your bank. Apart from indicating the media type for an MCS, you can also indicate separate directories from which FCIS should read and write incoming and outgoing messages, for a given media.

You can invoke ‘Media Control System Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘UTDMCS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following parameters here:


Alphanumeric; 3 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a node or server at which the MCS is located, from the adjoining option list. A node is the Database instance on which FCIS is installed. A branch’s database is located in a node and an MCS is also installed in a node.

Media Control System

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Specify a unique code for MCS to identify the external source. You can follow your own convention for devising this code.


Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Specify the media for which your bank is using the MCS, from the adjoining option list. The option-list displays the media codes maintained at the ‘Message Media Maintenance’ level.



Select a valid status of an MCS from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Delivery Type


Select a valid type of delivery from the options. The following options are available for selection:

In Directory

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the full path of the directory from which FCIS should read and write incoming message, if you have maintained the Delivery Type as ‘Folder' and the SWIFT server as Windows server.

Out Directory

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the full path of the directory from which FCIS should read and write outgoing message, if you have maintained the Delivery Type as ‘Folder' and the SWIFT server as Windows server.

File Prefix

Alphanumeric; 1 Character; Optional

Specify a unique identifier for the specified MCS to identify the outgoing message files generated in a different media.


Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the full path of the directory on the SWIFT server where you would like to store incoming SWIFT message hand-off files. The system will pickup and process all incoming SWIFT message files from this directory.


Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the full path of the directory on the SWIFT server where you would like to store outgoing SWIFT message hand-off files.

In Queue

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the full path of the queue in the node or server into which the MCS should store the incoming message hand-off file, if the Delivery type is Queue. The system will pickup and read all incoming messages transmitted through the specified media from this queue, by default

Out Queue

Alphanumeric; 100 Characters; Optional

Specify the full path of the queue in the node or server into which the message hand-off file from the system, for the specified media, should be stored. The MCS, which is also located on the same node, will store the outgoing messages in this queue by default.

Unix Swift Server


Check this box if the SWIFT server at your Bank is on UNIX.

5.8 Media Control System Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.8.1 Retrieving Media Control System Details

You can view, modify, delete and authorize external system function details in the ‘Media Control System Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTSMCS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can perform the following actions using this screen.

5.8.2 Viewing Media Control System Details

You can view previously entered details of external system in the ‘Media Control System Summary’ screen, as follows:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.

5.8.3 Deleting Media Control System Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

5.8.4 Modifying Media Control System Details

You can modify only unauthorized records in the system. To modify a record that you have previously entered:

You can edit External System details as many times as necessary before you authorize it.

5.8.5 Authorizing Media Control System Details

You can authorize records in the system. To authorize a record that you have previously entered:

5.9 Amendment Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.9.1 Maintaining Amendment Details

FCIS facilitates maintenance of nodes and fields which are amended through external system. You can invoke this screen by typing UTDAMDMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

External System

Alphanumeric; 15 Characters; Mandatory

Select an external system for which amendable maintenance is done, from the adjoining option list.


Alphanumeric; Mandatory

Specify the Gateway operation for which Amendable maintenance is done.

Service Name

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Select the service name for which amendable maintenance is done, from the adjoining option list.

Operation Code

Alphanumeric; 50 Characters; Optional

Select the operation code from the adjoining option list.

Amend Nodes

Node Name

Specify the name of the node which can be amended through external system. The adjoining option list displays the list of nodes.

New Allowed

New Allowed indicates whether new records can be added in the node.

Deleted Allowed

Delete Allowed indicates whether existing records can be deleted from the node.

Amend Fields

Field Name

Specify the field name which can be amended through external system. The adjoining option list displays the list of the fields in the node.

5.10 Amendment Details Retrieval

This section contains the following topics:

5.10.1 Retrieving Amendment Details

You can view, modify, delete and authorize external system details in the ‘Amendment Maintenance Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘UTSAMDMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button


5.10.2 Viewing Amendment Details

You can view previously entered details of external system in the ‘Amendment Maintenance Summary’ screen, as follows:

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records. All records with the specified details are retrieved and displayed in the lower portion of the screen.

You can also search the record by using combination of % and alphanumeric value.

5.10.3 Deleting Amendment Details

You can delete only unauthorized records in the system. To delete a record that you have previously entered:

5.10.4 Modifying Amendment Details

You can modify only unauthorized records in the system. To modify a record that you have previously entered:

You can edit External System details as many times as necessary before you authorize it.

5.10.5 Authorizing Amendment Details

You can authorize records in the system. To authorize a record that you have previously entered: