Peer Routing Rules configuration

Peer Routing Rules are prioritized lists of user-configured routing rules that define where to route a message to upstream Peer Nodes. Routing is based on message content matching a Peer Routing Rule's conditions. Peer Routing Rules are contained in Peer Route Tables.

There are six Peer Routing Rule parameters:

When a Diameter message matches the conditions of a Peer Routing Rule then the action specified for the rule will occur. If you choose to route the Diameter message to a Peer Node, the message is sent to a Peer Node in the selected Route List based on the Route Group priority and Peer Node configured capacity settings. If you choose to Send an Answer, then the message is not routed and the specified Diameter Answer Code is returned to the sender.

Peer Routing Rules are assigned a priority in relation to other Peer Routing Rules. A message will be handled based on the highest priority routing rule that it matches. The lower the number a Peer Routing Rule is assigned the higher priority it will have. (1 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest priority.)

If a message does not match any of the Peer Routing Rules and the Destination-Host parameter contains a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) matching a Peer Node, then the message will be directly routed to that Peer Node if it has an available Connection.

If there is not an available Connection or all routing attempts (per Peer Node configuration) to the implicit route are exhausted, the message will be routed using the alternate implicit route configured for the Peer Node.

A Message Copy Configuration Set can be assigned to a Peer Routing Rule, to provide information for sending a copy of the message to a DAS.

On the Viewing Rules for Peer Route Table: {Peer Route Table Name} page, you can perform the following actions: