Route List configuration

A Route List is a user-configured set of Route Groups used to determine the distribution of traffic between each Route Group within the Route List. Each Route List can include up to three Route Groups.

Traffic distribution to a Route Group is based on its available capacity and assigned priority within the Route List. A Route Group with a priority of 1 has the highest priority and a Route Group with a priority of 3 has the lowest priority.

Only one Route Group in a Route List is designated as the active Route Group for routing messages for that Route List. The other Route Groups in the Route List function as standby Route Groups. The active Route Group in each Route List is determined based on the Route Group's priority and its capacity relative to the configured minimum capacity of the Route List.

When the Operational Status of Peer Nodes assigned to the active Route Group changes, or the configuration of either the Route List or Route Groups in the Route List changes, then the designated active Route Group for the Route List may change.

Route Lists are assigned to Peer Routing Rules. When a Diameter message matches a Peer Routing Rule, the Route List assigned to the Peer Routing Rule will direct the Diameter message to a Peer Node in the active Route Group.

Route Lists are assigned to Peer Nodes when Alternate Implicit Routing will be used.

Route Lists are assigned to Message Copy Configuration Sets, to be used for copying a message to a DAS node.

On the Diameter > Configuration > Route Lists page, you can perform the following actions: