Connection Configuration Set elements

Table 1 describes the fields on the Connection Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Connection Configuration Sets Elements
Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Connection Configuration Set Name Unique Name of the Connection Configuration Set.

Format: case-sensitive string: alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha and cannot start with a digit

Range: 1 - 32 characters

SCTP Options
* Retransmit Initial Timeout (ms)

Expected average network round-trip time in milliseconds. This is used to initialize the round-trip time value when an association is started but the round-trip time has not yet been measured. The round-trip time is used by SCTP in calculating when to retransmit chunks.

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 10 - 5000

Default: 120

* Retransmit Minimum Timeout (ms)

Minimum amount of time to wait for an acknowledgment for a message sent. This value prevents the retransmit timeout from becoming too small in networks with a very short round-trip time.

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 10 - 5000

Default: 120

* Retransmit Maximum Timeout (ms)

Maximum amount of time to wait for an acknowledgment for a message sent.

This value places an upper bound on the exponential back-off algorithm used by SCTP for retransmission timing. After this retransmit interval is reached, retransmits will be sent at a constant rate until an ACK is received or the maximum attempts is reached.

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 10 - 10000

Default: 120

* Retransmit Maximum Timeout for INIT (ms)

Maximum amount of time to wait for an INIT to be acknowledged.

This value overrides the Retransmit Maximum Timeout for INITs and is used to bound the initial setup time.

A value of 0 indicates that the Retransmit Maximum Timeout will be used for INITs as well.

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 0, 10 - 10000

Default: 120

* Number of Retransmits Triggering Path Failure

Number of consecutive unsuccessful retransmits that will cause a path of the SCTP association to be marked as failed.

This value indicates how many SCTP retransmission attempts should be made to each destination of an SCTP association before marking the destination as failed.

This value must be less than the Number of Retransmits Triggering Association Failure value.

Format: numeric; number of retransmits

Range: 1 - 10

Default: 3

* Number of Retransmits Triggering Association Failure

Number of consecutive retransmits that will cause an SCTP association to be marked as failed. This value indicates how many SCTP retransmission attempts should be made to all destinations for an SCTP association before marking the association as failed.

This value should not be greater than the sum of the retransmit attempts for all destinations within the association.

Format: numeric; number of attempts

Range: 1 - 20

Default: 5

* Number of Retransmits Triggering Init Failure

Number of consecutive retransmits for INIT and COOKIE-ECHO Chunks that will cause an SCTP connection to be marked as failed. This value indicates how many retransmission attempts should be made to the primary SCTP address for INIT and COOKIE-ECHO Chunks before marking the connection as failed.

Format: numeric; number of attempts

Range: 1 - 20

Default: 8

* SACK Delay (ms)

The number of milliseconds to delay after receiving a DATA Chunk and prior to sending a SACK.

A non-zero value for SACK Delay gives the application time to bundle DATA Chunks in the same SCTP datagram with the SACK, thereby reducing the number of packets in the network. Setting SACK Delay to zero disables this delay so that SACKs are sent as quickly as possible.

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 0 - 200

Default: 10

* SCTP Heartbeat Interval (ms)

The number of milliseconds between sending SCTP HEARTBEAT messages to a Peer.

Heartbeat messages are sent only when no user data has been sent for the duration of the Heartbeat Interval.

Setting the Heartbeat Interval to 0 disables heartbeating (not recommended).

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 0, 100 - 300000

Default: 500

* Socket Send Buffer Size (bytes)

Socket send buffer size for outgoing SCTP messages.

The send buffer size must be greater than or equal to the product of the bandwidth and the round trip delay for the association.

Format: numeric; number of bytes

Range: 8000 - 5000000

Default: 2000000

* Socket Receive Buffer Size (bytes)

Socket receive buffer size for incoming SCTP messages.

The receive buffer size must be greater than or equal to the product of the bandwidth and the round trip delay for the association.

Format: numeric; number of bytes

Range: 8000 - 5000000

Default: 2000000

* Maximum Burst

Specifies the maximum burst of packets that can be emitted by this association.

Format: numeric

Range: 1 - 4

Default: 4

* Max Number of Inbound Streams

Maximum number of inbound SCTP streams supported locally by the SCTP connection.

Format: numeric; number of streams

Range: 1 -16

Default: 8

* Max Number of Outbound Streams

Maximum number of outbound SCTP streams supported locally by the SCTP connection.

Format: numeric; number of streams

Range: 1 -16

Default: 8

Datagram Bundling Enabled If checked, datagram bundling is enabled for the SCTP connection. Format: numeric

Range: checked (YES) or unchecked (NO)

Default: checked

* Maximum Segment Size The Maximum Size to put in any outgoing SCTP DATA chunk. If a message is larger than this size, it is fragmented by SCTP into the specified size. Format: numeric field, setting this value to 0 indicates that this is no maximum is segment size.

Range: 0, 64 - 1460 bytes

Default: 0

Fragmentation If checked, a message exceeding the size of the PMTU (Path Max Transmission Unit) is fragmented and reassembled by the peer. Format: check box

Range: checked (YES) or unchecked (NO)

Default: checked

Ordered Delivery If checked, Ordered delivery of the SCTP DATA Chunk is performed. Otherwise, unordered delivery of the SCTP DATA Chunk is performed. Format: check box

Range: checked (YES) or unchecked (NO)

Default: checked

Diameter Options
* Connect Timer (sec)

Controls the frequency that transport connection attempts are done to a Peer where no active transport connection exists.

Applicable only for connections that are configured to initiate a connection with a Peer Node.

Format: numeric; seconds

Range: 1 - 60

Default: 30

* Watchdog Timer Init Value (sec)

Initial value of the application watchdog timer.

Format: numeric; seconds

Range: 1 - 30

Default: 30

* Capabilities Exchange Timer (sec) Time to wait on a CER message from a Peer after a connection is initiated by the Peer. Time to wait on a CEA response from a Peer after sending the CER.
Note: For local nodes, CEAs are sent in response to erroneous CERs.

Format: numeric; seconds

Range: 1 - 10

Default: 3

* Disconnect Timer (sec)

After sending a DPA message, time to wait for a Peer to disconnect transport. After sending a DPR message, time to wait for the Peer to send the DPA.

If the timer expires, transport will be disconnected by the application.

Format: numeric; seconds

Range: 1 - 10

Default: 3

Proving Mode Proving mode for the Configuration Set.

Format: radio buttons

Range: Suspect, Always, Never

Default: Suspect

* Proving Timer (msec)

The time to wait for a Peer to send a DWA message in response to a DWR message during connection proving.

Format: numeric; milliseconds

Range: 50 - 30000

Default: 500

* Proving Times The number of consecutive DWR and DWA exchanges within Proving Timer time during connection proving.

Format: numeric; number of exchanges

Range: 1 - 1000

Default: 3

* Pending Transactions Per Connection The maximum number of Pending Requests waiting for Answers from the Peer on this connection. If the maximum is reached, this connection will not be selected for routing until the number of Pending Requests falls below this value.
Note: Because the pending transaction limit is located in the Connection Configuration Set, it cannot be edited unless the connection is disabled.

Format: numeric

Range: 1 - 20000

Default: 1000

CEX Host IP Validation Enabled If checked, Host-IP-Address AVP validation will be enabled during CEX message exchange.

Format: check box

Range: checked (YES), unchecked (NO)

Default: checked

TCP Options
Nagle Enabled If checked, the Nagle algorithm is enabled for the TCP connection.

Format: check box

Range: checked (YES), unchecked (NO)

Default: checked

* Socket Send Buffer Size (bytes)

Socket send buffer size for outgoing TCP messages. The send buffer size should be greater than or equal to the product of the bandwidth and the round trip delay for the connection.

Format: numeric; bytes

Range: 8000 - 5000000

Default: 2000000

* Socket Receive Buffer Size (bytes)

Socket receive buffer size for incoming TCP messages. The receive buffer size should be greater than or equal to the product of the bandwidth and the round trip delay for the connection.

Format: numeric; bytes

Range: 8000 - 5000000

Default: 2000000

Maximum Segment Size If checked, TCP probes a connection that has been idle for the amount of time configurable by Keep-Alive Idle Time parameter.

Format: check box

Range: checked (YES), unchecked (NO)

Default: No

* Keep-Alive The number of seconds of idle time between Keep Alive Probes if Keep-Alive is enabled.

Format: numeric field

Range: 1 - 7200 seconds

Default: 1

* Keep-Alive Idle Time Specifies the number of seconds of idle time between Keep Alive Probes if Keep-Alive is enabled.

Format: numeric field

Range: 1 - 7200 seconds

Default: 1

* Keep-Alive Probe Interval If Keep-Alive is enabled, sets the interval between Keep Alive Probes in seconds. This value cannot be changed after a connection is established.

Format: numeric field

Range: 1 - 120 seconds

Default: 1

* Keep-Alive Maximum Count If Keep-Alive is enabled, sets the maximum number of Keep Alive Probes TCP sends without any response from the remote server, before TCP gives up and aborts the connection.

Format: numeric field

Range: 1 - 16 seconds

Default: 9