Route Group configuration elements

Table 1 describes the fields on the Route Groups View, Insert, and Edit pages. Data Input Notes only apply to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Route Groups Configuration Elements
Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Route Group Name Unique name of the Route Group.

Format: case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore

Range: 1 - 32 characters; cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Type A Route Group can be configured with either Peer Nodes (Peer Route Group) or Connections (Connections Route Group) that have the same priority within a Route List.

Format: radio buttons

Range: Peer Route Group, Connection Route Group

Default: Peer Route Group

Peer Node/Connection (View)

List of Peer Nodes or Connections configured for the Route Group.

Each listed Peer Node or Connection entry is a link to the Diameter > Configuration > {Entry Type} (Filtered) page for that entry only.

Each entry displays a + sign and the number of Peer Nodes or Connections assigned to that Route Group. Click the + sign to display the Peer Nodes or Connections; the + sign changes to a - sign. Click the - sign to display the number again.

* Peer Node, Connection, and Provisioned Capacity One entry defined for a Route Group.

Up to 160 entries can be configured for a Route Group.

Click the Add button to insert another entry for the Route Group.

Peer Node

The Peer Node field is part of the Peer Node, Connection, and Capacity fields that are combined on the [Insert] and [Edit] pages.

A Peer Node associated with the Route Group. Each Route Group can be assigned up to 160 Peer Nodes.

The Peer Node field is available when the Peer Route Group radio button is selected in the Type field.

The Peer Node field is required.

Format: pulldown list

Range: 1-160 configured Peer Nodes


The Connection field is part of the Peer Node, Connection, and Capacity fields that are combined on the [Insert] and [Edit] pages.

A connection associated with the Route Group. Each Route Group can be assigned up to 160 connections.

The Connection field is available when the Connection Route Group radio button is selected in the Type field and a Peer Node is selected.

The Connection field is required for Connection Route Groups.

Format: pulldown list

Range: 1-160 configured Connections for the selected Peer Node

Provisioned Capacity

The Provisioned Capacity field is combined with the Peer Node and Connection fields on the [Insert] and [Edit] pages.

View page: Provisioned capacity for a Route Group, which is the sum total of configured capacity of peer nodes or connections within a Route Group.

[Insert] and [Edit] pages: Provisioned capacity of a Peer Node or Connection within a Route Group. The Provisioned Capacity field is required.

Traffic is distributed to available Peer Nodes/Connections in a Route Group proportional to the configured capacity for the Peer Node/Connection. A Peer Nodes/Connection with a higher capacity will be assigned more traffic.

Format: numeric

Range: 1 - 64000