Peer Node maintenance elements

This table describes fields on the Peer Nodes maintenance page.

Peer Nodes Maintenance Elements
Field Description
Peer Node Name Name of the Peer Node.
MP Server Hostname Hostname of MP Server from which status is reported.
For the Peer Node status:
  • For a Multiple Active DA-MP configuration, the MP Leader always reports the Peer Node status
  • For an Active/Standby DA-MP configuration, the Active DA-MP reports the Peer Node status
For Connection status (when the Connection field is expanded):
  • Fixed (non-IPFE) Connections are always reported by the DA-MP that hosts the Fixed Connection
  • Owned IPFE Connections are always reported by the DA-MP that hosts the established IPFE Connection
  • Unowned IPFE Connections (ones that have been configured, but are currently not assigned to a DA-MP by IPFE) are reported by the MP Leader
Operational Status Peer Node Operational Status can be:
  • Available: at least one Peer Node connection is available for routing
  • Degraded: the Peer Node connection is not unavailable but it is not operating as expected. The Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
  • Unavailable: all connections for a Peer Node are unavailable. The Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
Operational Reason Reason for the Peer Node Operational Status. Information is also available for each connection.
Connection Number and names of connections associated with the Peer Node.
Time of Last Update Time stamp that shows the last time the status information was updated.
Peer Node Group Name A group of Peer Nodes that share common characteristics and attributes. This group is used by IPFE for Peer Node Group Aware connection distribution.