Adding an Application Id

Use this task to configure a new Application Id.

The fields are described in Application Ids elements.

  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids page appears.

  2. Click Insert.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids [Insert] page appears.

    If the maximum number of Application Ids (1000) has already been configured in the system, the Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids [Insert] page will not open, and an error message will appear.

  3. Enter a unique Name for the Diameter Application.
  4. Select an Application Id Value from the pulldown list or enter a unique value in the text box to identify a specific Diameter Application. (Application Id is required.)
  5. Select an Application Route Table containing the Application Routing Rules that control routing of messages associated with this Diameter Application.

    If an Application Route Table is configured for a message's upstream Peer Node, that Application Route Table overrides the Application Route Table specified here.

  6. Select a Peer Route Table containing the Peer Routing Rules that control routing of messages associated with this Diameter Application.

    If a Peer Route Table is configured for a message's upstream Peer Node, that Peer Route Table overrides the Peer Route Table specified here.

  7. Select a Routing Option Set that specifies how certain routing error conditions are handled for messages associated with this Diameter Application

    A Routing Options Set that has an assigned Pending Answer Timer cannot be associated with an Application Id.

    If a Routing Option Set is configured for a message's upstream Peer Node, that Routing option Set overrides the Routing Option Set specified here.

  8. Select a Pending Answer Timer to specify how long DSR waits for a response to a message associated with this Diameter Application.

    If a Pending Answer Timer is configured for a message's downstream Peer Node, that Pending Answer Timer overrides the Pending Answer Timer specified here.

  9. Click:
    • OK to save the new Application Id and return to the Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids page.
    • Apply to save the new Application Id and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Diameter > Configuration > Application Ids page without saving any changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • Any fields contain a value that is out of the allowed range
    • The Application Id required field is empty (not entered)
    • Adding the new Application Id would cause the maximum number of Application Ids (1000) to be exceeded
    • Adding the new Application Id would cause the maximum number of Peer Route Table/Application Id combinations (20) to be exceeded.