Adding an Application Routing Rule

Use this procedure to create a new Application Routing Rule in a selected Application Route Table. The fields are described in Application Routing Rule configuration elements.

  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Application Route Tables.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Application Routie Tables page appears.

  2. Select an Application Route Table Name in the list.
  3. Click View/Edit Rules.

    The Viewing Rules for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page appears.

  4. Click Insert.

    The Inserting Rule for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page appears.

    If the maximum number of Application Routing Rules (1000) already exists in the system, the Diameter > Configuration > Application Routing Rules [Insert] page will not open.

  5. Enter a unique name for the Rule in the Rule Name field.
  6. Set a Priority for this Rule in relation to other Rules, by entering a number between 1 and 99 in the Priority field.
  7. Set the Application Routing Rule Conditions:
    1. Locate the Parameter you want to set.
    2. Select the relevant operator from the Operator pulldown list.

      See Application Routing Rule operators for a description of operators available for each Parameter.

    3. Enter the appropriate value for the Parameter in the corresponding Value field.

      The Value text box is disabled for some Operators that do not require a value.

    4. Repeat this step for each Parameter. For any Parameter that does not need to be evaluated, set the Operator to Always True.
  8. From the pulldown list, select the DSR Application Name associated with this Rule.
  9. Click:
    • OK to save the Rule and return to the Diameter > Configuration > Application Routing Rules page.
    • Apply to save the Rule and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Viewing Rules for Application Route Table: {Application Route Table Name} page without saving any changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • Any required field is empty (no entry was made)
    • Any field is not valid or is out of range
    • The Rule Name is not unique
    • The Rule is similar to an already existing Rule (the same attributes except for Rule Name and Priority)
    • Adding the Application Routing Rule would cause the maximum number of Application Routing Rules (1000) allowed in the system to be exceeded

    For Application Route Tables that are associated with Application Ids, a warning appears for an attempt to add an Application Routing Rule with an Application-Id that does not match the Application Id with which the Application Route Table is associated.