Adding a CEX Configuration Set

Use this task to create a new CEX Configuration Set.

  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Configuration Sets > CEX Configuration Sets.

    The CEX Configuration Sets page appears.

  2. Click Insert.

    The CEX Configuration Sets [Insert] page appears.

  3. Enter a unique name for the CEX Configuration Set in the CEX Configuration Set Name field.
  4. Enter the information for the CEX Parameters in the fields.
    • To add CEX Parameters to the Selected CEX Parameters list, select the entry in the Available CEX Parameters list and click the Add button below the Available CEX Parameters list.
    • To add CEX Parameters to the Must Include CEX Parameters list, select the entry in the Selected CEX Parameters list and click the Add button above the Must Include CEX Parameters list.
    • To remove CEX Parameters from the Selected CEX Parameters list, select the entry in the Selected CEX Parameters list and click the Remove button below the Selected CEX Parameters list.
    • To remove CEX Parameters from the Must Include CEX Parameters list, select the entry in the Must Include CEX Parameters list and click the Remove button above the Must Include CEX Parameters list.
  5. Enter the information for the Supported Vendor IDs in the fields.
    • To add a Vendor Id to the Selected Supported Vendor Ids list, select the entry in the Available Supported Vendor Ids list and click the Add button below the Available Supported Vendor Ids list.
    • To remove a Vendor Id from the Selected Supported Vendor Ids list, select the entry in the Selected Supported Vendor Ids list and click the Remove button above the Selected Supported Vendor Ids list.
  6. Click:
    • OK to save the new CEX Configuration Set and return to the CEX Configuration Sets page.
    • Apply to save the new CEX Configuration Set and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the CEX Configuration Sets page without saving any changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • The Selected CEX Parameters list is empty (an item was not added)
    • Any item that was selected to add to a list was deleted by another user during this Insert session
    • The maximum number of configured CEX Configuration Sets (2000), Selected CEX Parameters + Must Include CEX Parameters for a CEX Configuration Set (10), or Supported Vendor Ids for a CEX Configuration Set (10) was reached by another user's entries during this Insert session