Updating and Viewing MP Statistics (SCTP) Reports

The Diameter > Reports > MP Statistics (SCTP) page displays the Message Processor (MP) SCTP statistics per MP, for all MPs or for a selected set of MPs. Each row shows the statistics for one MP.

The statistics are updated on the page each time the Update button is clicked. The counts are not refreshed automatically.

The MP Statistics (SCTP) Report is described in MP Statistics (SCTP) report elements.

Use this task to update and view MP Statistics (SCTP) reports.

  1. Select Diameter > Reports > MP Statistics (SCTP).

    The Diameter > Reports > MP Statistics (SCTP) page appears.

  2. Select the Scope of the report from the Scope pulldown list.
    • To be able to select individual MPs, choose Server.
    • To select all MPs in a Network Element, choose NE.
  3. In the box on the right, list the MPs to be included in the report.
    • To add a specific MP to the list on the right, so that its statistics will be shown in the report, select the MP in the box on the left, and click Add.

      Repeat this action for each specific MP that is to be listed in the report.

    • To add all of the available MPs to the list on the right, click the AddAll button.

    • To remove a specific MP from the report, select the MP in the box on the right, and click Remove. The selected MP moves to the box on the left.

    • To remove all of the listed MPs from the box on the right (to prepare to create a new list), click RemoveAll. All of the MPs from the box on the right move to the box on the left.

  4. When the list in the box on the right contains the MPs for the report, click Go.

    The selected MPs and their statistics are listed in the columns of the report.

  5. Click Update to display the current statistics for the listed MPs.