Connection Congestion measurements

The Connection Congestion measurement report contains per-connection measurements related to Diameter Connection congestion states. Measurements in this group include:
  • Congestion Level-X time duration
  • Number of times entered Congestion Level-X
  • Number of times Remote Busy Congestion occurred
Connection Congestion Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
ConnOnsetCL1 The number of times the connection experienced the onset of CL1. 5 min
ConnOnsetCL2 The number of times the connection experienced the onset of CL2. 5 min
ConnOnsetCL3 The number of times the connection experienced the onset of CL3. 5 min
ConnOnsetCL4 The number of times the connection experienced the onset of CL4. 5 min
EvEmrCongestionOnset Number of times an EMR Congestino Level was advanced 5 min
EvRemoteBusyCongested Number of times Remote Busy Congestion occurred. 5 min
EvSmoothedEmrPeak Smoothed EMR Peak. 5 min
EvSmoothedEmrAvg Smoothed EMR Average. 5 min
RxRejectedConnCongestion Number of Request messages from a downstream peer rejected by a Local Node because of Diameter Connection Congestion. 5 min
TmConnInCL1 Total amount of time (in seconds) the connection experienced CL1. 5 min
TmConnInCL2 Total amount of time (in seconds) the connection experienced CL2. 5 min
TmConnInCL3 Total amount of time (in seconds) the connection experienced CL3. 5 min
TmConnInCL4 Total amount of time (in seconds) the connection experienced CL4. 5 min