Connection Exception measurements

The Connection Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide information about exceptions and unexpected messages and events for individual SCTP/TCP connections that are not specific to the Diameter protocol.

Connection Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
EvConnCerValFail The number of times a CER contained invalid or unsupported AVP or AVP value. 5 min
EvConnCexIpChkFail The Host-IP-Address AVP(s) received in a CER or CEA message from the peer did not match the actual peer connection’s IP address(es). 5 min
EvConnCnxFail Number of times the transport connection attempt failed. This includes only unsuccessful attempts to connect to the peer; it does not include failure of established connections. 5 min
EvConnDnsFail Number of times an attempt to resolve a peer’s FQDN to an IP address via DNS failed. 5 min
EvConnFarEndClose Number of times the far end closed the connection. 5 min
EvConnManClose Number of times the connection was manually closed via administratively Disabling the connection locally. 5 min
EvConnPeerNumIpFail The peer has advertised in the INIT/INIT_ACK chunk a number of IP addresses different from the number of IP addresses the peer has been configured with in the respective connection object. 5 min
EvConnRelease The number of times the connection was terminated based on a connection release request from DRL 5 min
EvConnSockInitFail Number of times the socket initialization failed. 5 min
EvConnTransFail The number of times the connection was closed due to SCTP/TCP transport failure. 5 min
RxConnGapAckBlocks The number of gap acknowledgement blocks received on the SCTP connection. 5 min
TxConnRetransDataChunks The number of retransmitted data chunks sent on the SCTP connection. 5 min
RxConnDupPkts The number of duplicate packets received on the TCP connection. 5 min
TxConnRetransSegs The number of retransmitted segments sent on the TCP connection. 5 min
TxConnSendFail Number of times the transport send failed for any message on an established connection. When this occurs, the transport connection will NOT be disconnected. 5 min