Charging Proxy Application (CPA) Performance measurements

The CPA Performance measurement group contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the CPA application. Measurements in this group include:
  • Totals for various expected/normal messages and events
  • Totals for various expected/normal routing procedures invoked
CPA Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxCpaAcaEvent The number of Accounting Answer-Event messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcaInterim The number of Accounting Answer-Interim messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcaStart The number of Accounting Answer-Start messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcaStop The number of Accounting Answer-Stop messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAccounting The number of Diameter Accounting messages received during the reporting interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcrEvent The number of Accounting Request-Event messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcrInterim The number of Accounting Request-Interim messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcrStart The number of Accounting Request-Start messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAcrStop The number of Accounting Request-Stop messages received during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaMsgProcessed The total number of Diameter messages (Request or Answer) received during the reporting interval. 5 min
TxCpaAnswerMsgToDrl The number of Answers sent to DRL layer by CPA during the collection interval. 5 min
TxCpaMsgCopyInd The number of messages sent by the CPA to the routing layer with message copy indication set. 5 min
TxCpaRequestMsgToDrl The number of Requests sent to DRL layer by CPA during the collection interval. 5 min
TxCpaTraceInd The number of messages sent by the CPA to the routing layer with trace indication set. 5 min