Diameter Ingress Transaction Performance measurements

The Diameter Ingress Transaction Performance measurement report contains measurements providing information about the outcome of Diameter transactions received from downstream peers.

Diameter Ingress Transaction Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxConnRequestMsgs Number of routable Request messages received on the connection 5 min
TxAnswer1xxx Ingress Answer messages from peers successfully routed - Result-Code value 1xxx (Informational) 5 min
TxAnswer2xxx Answer messages from upstream peers successfully routed to downstream peers - Result-Code value 2xxx (Success) 5 min
TxAnswer3xxx Answer messages from upstream peers successfully routed to downstream peers - Result-Code value 3xxx (Protocol Error) 5 min
TxAnswer4xxx Answer messages from upstream peers successfully routed to downstream peers - Result-Code value 4xxx (Transient Failure) 5 min
TxAnswer5xxx Answer messages from upstream peers successfully routed to downstream peers - Result-Code value 5xxx (Permanent Failure) 5 min
TxAnswerFailure Expected Answer responses from a peer or Answer responses created by a Local Node which were not successfully routed to a downstream peer (for any reason). 5 min
TxAnswerLocalNode Answer messages created by Local Node successfully routed to downstream peers (all Result-Code values) 5 min
TxAnswerOther Answer messages from upstream peers successfully routed to downstream peers - Result-Code value not 1000-5999 5 min