Diameter Signaling Router (DSR) Application Performance measurements

The "DSR Application Performance" measurement group is a set of measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the DSR protocol. These measurements will allow the user to determine how many messages are successfully forwarded and received to and from each DSR Application.

DSR Application Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxApplAnswerFwdSuccess Number of Answer messages successfully forwarded to a DSR Application 5 min
RxApplAnswerReceived Number of Answer messages received from a DSR Application 5 min
RxApplRequestFwdSuccess Number of Request messages successfully forwarded to a DSR Application 5 min
RxApplRequestReceived Number of Request messages received from a DSR Application 5 min
RxCpaAnswerMsgQueueAvg The average Answer Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAnswerMsgQueuePeak The peak Answer Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaAnswerProcessed The total number of Answers processed by DSR Application. 5 min
RxCpaEventMsgQueueAvg The average CPA Application Event Message Queue utilization measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaEventMsgQueuePeak The peak CPA Application Event Message Queue utilization measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaMsgRateAvg The average DSR Application’s Message Processing rate measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaMsgRatePeak The peak DSR Application’s Message Processing rate measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaRequestMsgQueueAvg The average Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaRequestMsgQueuePeak The peak DSR Application’s Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxCpaRequestProcessed The total number of Requests processed by DSR Application. 5 min
RxDmiwfRequestMsgQueuePeak The peak DSR Application's Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval 5 min
RxDmiwfRequestMsgQueueAvg The average Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxDmiwfAnswerMsgQueuePeak The peak DSR Application's Answer Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval 5 min
RxDmiwfAnswerMsgQueueAvg The average Answer Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
TxDmiwfFullDRLRequestReject The number of egress Diameter Request messages that were rejected because the DRL's Request Queue was full 5 min
TxDmiwfFullDRLAnswerDiscard The number of egress Diameter Answer messages that were discarded because the DRL's Answer Queue was full 5 min
RxDmiwfMsgRatePeak The peak DSR Application's Message Processing rate measured during the collection interval 5 min
RxDmiwfMsgRateAvg The average DSR Application's Message Processing rate measured during the collection interval 5 min
RxDmiwfRequestProcessed The number of Requests processed by a DSR Application during the collection interval 5 min
RxDmiwfAnswerProcessed The number of Answers processed by a DSR Application during the collection interval 5 min
RxFabrMsgRateAvg The average DSR Application’s Ingress Message Rate measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxFabrMsgRatePeak The peak DSR Application’s Ingress Message Rate measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxFabrRequestMsgQueueAvg The average Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxFabrRequestMsgQueuePeak The peak DSR Application’s Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxGlaRequestMsgQueuePeak The peak DSR Application's Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxGlaRequestMsgQueueAvg The average Request Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxGlaMsgRatePeak The peak DSR Application's Ingress Message Rate measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxGlaMsgRateAvg The average DSR Application's Ingress Message Rate measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxGlaRequestProcessed The number of Requests processed by a DSR Application during the collection interval. 5 min
RxFabrRequestProcessed The number of Requests processed by a DSR Application during the collection interval. 5 min
RxPcaMsgRatePeak Peak Policy and Charging DSR Application Ingress Message Processing Rate. 5 min
RxPcaMsgRateAvg Average Policy and Charging DSR Application Ingress Message Processing Rate. 5 min
RxPcaAnswerProcessed Number of Diameter Answer messages processed by Policy and Charging DSR Application. 5 min
RxPcaRequestProcessed Number of Diameter Request messages processed by Policy and Charging DSR Application. 5 min
RxRbarMsgRateAvg DSR Application Message Processing Rate 5 min
RxRbarMsgRatePeak DSR Application Message Processing Rate Peak 5 min
RxRbarRequestMsgQueueAvg DSR Application Request Message Queue Average Utilization 5 min
RxRbarRequestMsgQueuePeak DSR Application Request Message Queue Peak Utilization 5 min
RxRbarRequestProcessed Total number of Requests processed by DSR Application 5 min
TxApplTransSuccess Number of Transactions initiated by DSR Application that successfully completed 5 min