Full Address Based Resolution (FABR) Application Performance measurements

The "FABR Application Performance" measurement group is a set of measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the FABR feature. These measurements will allow you to determine how many messages are successfully forwarded and received to and from the FABR Application.

DSR Application Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
FabrAverageQueriesPerBundle Average number of queries per Bundle sent by FABR 5 min
RxDpResponseTimeAvg Average time (in milliseconds) it takes to receive a DP response after sending the correlated database query. 5 min
RxFabrAvgMsgSize Average size of Request message received. 5 min
RxFabrBundledResponseEvents The number of Bundled Response Events received by FABR. 5 min
RxFabrDpResponseMsgQueueAvg The average DP Response Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxFabrDpResponseMsgQueuePeak The peak DSR Application's DP Response Message Queue utilization (0-100%) measured during the collection interval. 5 min
RxFabrMsgs Number of Request messages received by FABR application. 5 min
RxFabrResolAll Number of Addresses Successfully Resolved to a Destination 5 min
RxFabrResolAllMp Number of Addresses Successfully Resolved to a Destination by the MP. 5 min
RxFabrResolImpi Number of Addresses Successful Resolved with Routing Entity type IMPI. 5 min
RxFabrResolImpu Number of Addresses Successful Resolved with Routing Entity type IMPU. 5 min
RxFabrResolImsi Number of Addresses Successful Resolved with Routing Entity type IMSI. 5 min
RxFabrResolMsisdn Number of Addresses Successful Resolved with Routing Entity type MSISDN. 5 min
RxFabrResolRateAvg Average Addresses Successfully Resolved per second 5 min
RxFabrResolRatePeak Peak Addresses Successfully Resolved per second. 5 min
TxFabrAbandonRequest Number of Request message that are abandoned. 5 min
TxFabrBundledQueryEvents Number of Bundled Query Events sent to ComAgent. 5 mi
TxFabrFwdDefaultDest Number of Request message forwarding attempts using a Default Destination. 5 min
TxFabrFwdNochange Number of Request message forwarding attempts without changing the message. 5 min
TxFabrFwdSuccess Number of Request messages successfully forwarded (all reasons). 5 min
TxFabrMsgAttempt Number of Request message forwarding attempts (all reasons). 5 min