MD-IWF Diam Performance Measurements

The MD-IWF Diam Performance measurement report contains measurements providing performance that is specific to the MAP-Diameter IWF Application running on a SS7-MP.

MD-IWF Diam Performance Measurements
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxMdIwfMapRequestMsgByOpcode Number of MAP request messages with Op Code "X" received from SS7 network 5 min
RxMdIwfMapResponseMsgByOpcode Number of MAP response messages with Op Code "X" received from SS7 network 5 min
TxMdIwfMapRequestMsgByOpcode Number of MAP request messages with Op Code "X" sent to SS7 network 5 min
TxMdIwfMapResponseMsgByOpcode Number of MAP response messages with Op Code "X" sent to SS7 network 5 min