OC-DRA Diameter Usage measurements

The OC-DRA Diameter Usage measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the OC-DRA Diameter protocol.

OC-DRA Diameter Usage Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxOcdraMsgRateAvg Average OC-DRA Ingress Message Processing Rate. 5 min
RxOcdraMsgRatePeak Peak OC-DRA Ingress Message Processing Rate. 5 min
RxGyRoMsgsReceivedPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application messages (including requests and answers) received by OC-DRA. 5 min
RxGyRoReqRelayedPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages successfully relayed by OC-DRA. 5 min
RxGyRoAnsRelayedPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Answer messages successfully relayed by OC-DRA. 5 min
RxGyRoAns2xxxFromPeerPerCmd Number of Gy/Ro Diameter Credit Control Application Request messages successfully relayed by OC-DRA that received an Answers from the peer with a 2xxx (Success) Result-Code value. 5 min