P-DRA Congestion Exception measurements

The P-DRA Congestion Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the P-DRA Diameter protocol.

P-DRA Congestion Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
RxAarMsgDiscardedDueToCongestion Number of AAR messages discarded by P-DRA due to congestion. 5 min
RxAsrMsgDiscardedDueToCongestion Number of ASR messages discarded by P-DRA due to P-DRA congestion. 5 min
RxCcrMsgDiscardedDueToCongestion Number of CCR messages discarded by P-DRA due to congestion. 5 min
RxGxpCcrMsgDiscardedDueToCongestion Number of Gx-Prime CCR messages discarded by P-DRA due to P-DRA internal congestion. 5 min
RxRarMsgDiscardedDueToCongestion Number of RAR messages discarded by P-DRA due to congestion. 5 min
RxStrMsgDiscardedDueToCongestion Number of STR messages discarded by P-DRA due to congestion. 5 min