SBR Binding Exception measurements

The SBR Binding Exception measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the SBR Binding Database.

SBR Binding Exception Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
SbrCreateBindDbErr The number of errors creating a binding record. 5 min
SbrUpdateBindDbErr The number of errors updating a binding record. 5 min
SbrRemoveBindDbErr The number of errors removing a suspect binding record 5 min
SbrCreateAltKeyDbErr The number of errors creating an alternate key record. 5 min
SbrRemoveAltKeyDbErr The number of errors removing an alternate key record. 5 min
SbrFindBindDbErr The number of errors when encountered for finding a binding record. 5 min
SbrEarlyTooLongSrRemoved The number of sessionRefs found to be in the EarlyMaster or EarlySlave state for too long 5 min
SbrSlavePollingFail The number of binding capable session initiation requests that were not routed due to polling failures 5 min
SbrSuspectSrRemoved The number of binding sessionRefs removed as a result of the Suspect Binding mechanism 5 min