SBR Binding Performance measurements

The SBR Binding Performance measurement report contains measurements that provide performance information that is specific to the SBR Binding Database.

SBR Binding Performance Measurement Report Fields
Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
SbrNewBindingsCreated The number of new bindings created 5 min
SbrUpdatedBindings The number of existing bindings updated but not deleted, i.e. the Session Reference removed is not the last one 5 min
SbrBindTermByAscSess The number bindings (final) terminated due to termination of all associated sessions 5 min
SbrAltKeyCreated The number of alternate key records created 5 min
SbrAltKeyDel The number of alternate key records removed 5 min
SbrMaxBindingAgeAtTerm The maximum binding (final) age when binding is terminated due to termination of all associated sessions 5 min
SbrAvgBindingAgeAtTerm The average binding (final) age when binding is terminated due to termination of all associated sessions 5 min
SbrAvgBindingDbRead The average rate of Binding database reads per second 5 min
SbrMaxBindingDbRead The maximum rate of Binding database reads 5 min
SbrAvgBindingDbWrite The average rate of Binding database writes per second 5 min
SbrMaxBindingDbWrite The maximum rate of Binding database writes 5 min
SbrLockCollisions The number of collisions that occurred periodically while acquiring a lock 5 min
TmSbrProcessingTime The time (in microseconds) to process an event on SBR. The measurement is to measure the average time (ms) taken for SBR to process the stack event received from P-DRA and send back the stack event response to P-DRA 5 min
SbrEarlySlaveBindingsCreated The number of binding capable session initiation requests that were treated as slaves of an existing early binding 5 min
SbrFinalBindingsFollowed The number of binding capable session initiation requests that matched a final binding and were routed using the bound PCRF 5 min
SbrSlavePollingContinue The number of early binding polling attempts for which the poller was instructed to continue polling 5 min
SbrSlavePollingRouteToPcrf The number of early binding polling attempts for which the poller was instructed to route the request to a bound PCRF 5 min
SbrPolicyBindingRecsAvg The average number of active SBR Binding Sessions 5 min
SbrPolicyBindingRecsPeak The maximum number of active SBR Binding Sessions 5 min